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Weird Shadows in Breezehome


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Some lights just ignore the shadowmapbias feature, don't know why, maybe the settings on the lights are wrong. The point is the devs could probably fix this in a couple hours.

You can test this by cranking your shadowmapbias up to 1 or 2 and if you go outside you will notice your feet disappear from the shadows, because the shadowmapbias is too high, but this won't happen in breezehome and the other places with the weird shadow glitch because it isn't taking the shadowmapbias into account like it should be.

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Breeze home has multiple light sources that overlap, causing certain shadow anomaly. Not much to do to fix.


Well thats good to know thats what it is. I'm assuming the Solitude dining room issue is also due to the lighting effects from the windows overlapping then? Of course this is mute point since I'm sure it requires the CK to address.

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