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Mods not showing up in Data Files


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Not all mods contains esp/esm files you have to enable. Some mods just put textures/meshes/menus/etc files. You don't need to do anything else with those mods.

Edited by forli
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Did you install in program folder? (The default installation location) Apparently Windows has some very aggressive protections that makes some programs like Oblivion to work properly. If it is the case, try to install in your Document folder.


In general, always use Wrye Bash to install mods. If Wrye Bash does not recognize the format, unpack the mod, install manually in a empty directory, compress it, and use Wrye Bash to install it.

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The Documents folder is just as protected if I'm not mistaken. The recommended location for games (and Steam if you use it) is C:\Games\... (or X:\Games if you have other drives and want to keep C drive for Windows ... my own is G:\Games\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion).

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Protecting the Document folder looks really strange, the OS should not change the user files. However, I guess making a new folder is the safest best. About my setup, I do not use Windows at all why should I punish myself with all those bullshit?

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Hmmm, I use Windows 10 and OBMM, also have everything installed in Program Files, and it's all working fine.


This is a longshot but do you have multiple hard drives? For example, my C drive is a small SSD used for the OS and a couple of select games. All other games and files go on my large HDD drive (D Drive). When I first tried installing Oblivion I used NMM (which is on my C drive) to install Oblivion files to my D drive. Nothing was copied over. All the files ended up in NMM's "virtual install" folder on the C drive, and I had to manually copy them over to my Oblivion install folder on the D drive. OBMM might be doing the same thing if you have it installed to a different drive? I've since made sure to use OBMM for Oblivion installations, and installed it on my D drive.

Edited by Darkstorne
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