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Did you kill Paarthurnax?


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I didn't kill Paarthurnax, and was deeply offended that Delphine would ask such a thing.


On my first and only attempt to play the main quest so far, Skyrim broke, and it was Delphine's fault. She is a quest-giver, and I had to repeatedly talk to her about quests. But she got mad at me and wouldn't stop trying to kill me whenever she saw me. I probably accidentally hit her with a spell during a battle. I spent like a half hour trying different console codes and things in different orders before I could fix my game. Delphine is essential and couldn't be killed in battle, but I sure spent a lot of time fighting her, and killed or disabled her with console codes many times while trying to fix the game.


So when she told me to kill Paarthurnax, I was sort of like, "You better behave yourself Delphine, or I am going to start killing you over and over again like I was doing earlier on."

Edited by David Brasher
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If it was possible for me to actualy reply to Delphine after she tells me :" we have nothing to talk about untill Paarthunax is dead" , then i would simply tell her :" ok i wish you and Esbern a happy life " "OH !! and by the way , you want Paarthunax dead ?? you do it yourself but don't be too surprised when you see me standing beside him once you get there . "



I kill Dragons who attack villages or Dragons who simply attack me out of nowhere but whenever i see a dragon who's simply flying in circles not bothering anyone , i just leave him be . I've been through 3 playthroughs so far and not once have i killed Paarthunax . I consider him a good friend and a good Mentor. I have a dragon's soul and dragon blood flows through my veins and that , in my mind , makes me a son of Akatosh.

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No, I didn't kill Paarthurnax, at least I don't want to. He indeed helped me to defeat Alduin, the World-Eater as everyone calls him, not to mention how many other advices he gave us. Now, he admits that it's in the dragon's nature to become evil after some time, since it's an instinct, although as we all see, he's trying to have balance over life. Yes, I noted his previous 'crimes' in the Great War which I kept hearing from Esbern and Delphine. Now, the past should stay in the past, since none actually LIVES in the past, fact is Paarthurnax has changed and technically saved the world.


Here's the problem. Whenever I go to the blades, they keep telling me to kill Paar'(thurnax) which I don't want to. I went to Arnegir ( the only Graybeard which speaks to you ) and we had a conversation how the blades are evil etc., where I sorta agreed. At the end of the conversation, I told Arnegir "Don't worry, I won't kill Paarthurnax''. Now I'm stuck here, I guess, since I simply don't wanna kill Paar', but I wish to kill The Blades, which is consisted of two people ( LOL! ). I don't know how though, I used console commands "setessential <ID> 0 to them and killed them, although there's a quest marker above Esbern saying "Return to Esbern'' in the quests' tab. I resurrect him, talk to him about Paar', but he still says that justice doesn't seem to be fair or something within these lines, not quite sure.

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The Greybeards have helped me a lot more than the Blades ever did. Killing Paarthurnax would betray him and the Greybeards, and I simply don't agree with the moral justification Esbern is trying to use to get me to kill him. I do believe in redemption, at this point Paarthurnax has helped humanity defeat Alduin not once but twice, and that alone is sufficient to redeem him. Not to mention his aid to the Graybeards and the Dragonborn, pledging to try and persuade other Dragons to undertake the Way of the Voice, etc.


The Blades are obsessed with killing dragons, and they only want to use me to further that end. They don't even care about the Thalmor any more, once they found out that the Thalmor are not behind the dragon awakenings they haven't even mentioned them again. Perhaps if they were committed to taking the fight back to the Thalmor I would see some sense in helping them, but at this point they are useless to me.


Meanwhile, the Greybeards want to help me reach my full potential, and aren't trying to shove their ideology down my throat. Even though Esbern was unhappy with me for dealing with the Blades, he set that aside and let me choose my own path. So my choice is clear.

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I Killed him, because as he said, "dohwakhin is wise to never trust a dova" (typos ino) and heres a couple of reasons why i deemed it worth killing him.


* You get your hands on Dragonbane (Awesome katana sword doing extra damage to dragons)

* Permanent buff to make slaying dragons easier (Esbern will offer you this after first Blade quest)

* Even with Parthurnax dead you will keep the chosen Meditation word, just make sure you choose the one you like the best, in my case Fus (Force with no effort)

* 6 x clean Blades Sword's for experimenting with the (imo) most stylish 1h wpn in game. (Yes yes i know not the highest damage sword but youll be overpowered in no time anyways in this game)

* A legit way to remove those annoying housecarls by simply allowing them to be recruited by Blades

* You will now have a Follower camp with 3 followers to choose from in the same spot, quite convenient imo.

* Esbern is cool, and voice acted by a danish actor (im danish :thumbsup: )


Other than that those damn hippie-graybeards looking down from their High Hrothgar with despise on us the people fighting a war against dragons, vampires and Empire (altmerian dominion is kill on sight for me!)

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