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Did you kill Paarthurnax?


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Damn lizard lovers!


What's wrong with you people? You're the freakin' dragonborn! You're supposed to kill every dragon that walks the face of the planet and if they're unhatched when you find them you scramble those little bastards in a frying pan and eat them with a side of bacon!


Besides, Paarthurnax sounds like your typical drunk going through denial about alcoholism. He's all like, "Yeah, I USED to be that way but I'm better now." When asked how, he explains that he is the special exception to the species because he can control his problem. And oh yeah, btw: He's SORRY! Sorry?! Whaaaaaaa! QQ


I kept him pinned with dragonrend and took extra time drawing out his death, taking him apart scale by scale THEN turned his ass into a pair of boots!

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Damn lizard lovers!


What's wrong with you people? You're the freakin' dragonborn! You're supposed to kill every dragon that walks the face of the planet and if they're unhatched when you find them you scramble those little bastards in a frying pan and eat them with a side of bacon!


Besides, Paarthurnax sounds like your typical drunk going through denial about alcoholism. He's all like, "Yeah, I USED to be that way but I'm better now." When asked how, he explains that he is the special exception to the species because he can control his problem. And oh yeah, btw: He's SORRY! Sorry?! Whaaaaaaa! QQ


I kept him pinned with dragonrend and took extra time drawing out his death, taking him apart scale by scale THEN turned his ass into a pair of boots!

Yes, Dragonborn. Human born with a dragon's soul. You may be different on the outside, but on the inside, you're the same. Following your path, there is one last enemy that you must kill... I'd help with that killing if you know what I mean...

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Tiber Septim was also Dragonborn, but he had a dragon (Nafaalilargus) serving him, and gave his protection to Paarthurnax. Dragons and humans appear to have lived at peace in various times and places, such as in Atmora or in Skyrim before the Dragon Priests got power mad. If peace is possible, then what excuse is there for blanket genocide of an intelligent species?
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Tiber Septim was also Dragonborn, but he had a dragon (Nafaalilargus) serving him, and gave his protection to Paarthurnax. Dragons and humans appear to have lived at peace in various times and places, such as in Atmora or in Skyrim before the Dragon Priests got power mad. If peace is possible, then what excuse is there for blanket genocide of an intelligent species?


Oh shut yer trap lore nerd!! lol kudos

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Yeah, that would make a lot of sence. Weak empire is weak, even if the stormcloaks lose the war it will be hard to handle foreign pressure. More armies are required, the dragons are one, and the thalmor keep giving the dragonborn trouble. Since Alduin brought the species back from extinction, it makes only sence that the dragons should be given a purpose after his demise and be put to good use. But, like I said before, both the Blades and the Greybeards would oppose such a motion. There's a lot of material in here, lets hope bethesda do it right. Edited by kradus
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From what I understand, in the future, Bethesda plans to release dragon rider DLC. That being said, wouldn't it be awesome to lead a dragon army against the Thalmor and become the true Dragon Emperor, at the end?


This will be a dream that come true annihilate the thalmor *_* i love that!


The dragonborn will come to power, and he will rule all Nirn and all the world will bow to him/her muaahahahaha

Edited by yota71
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From what I understand, in the future, Bethesda plans to release dragon rider DLC. That being said, wouldn't it be awesome to lead a dragon army against the Thalmor and become the true Dragon Emperor, at the end?


This will be a dream that come true annihilate the thalmor *_* i love that!


The dragonborn will come to power, and he will rule all Nirn and all the world will bow to him/her muaahahahaha

We should learn the Shout that Alduin does to resurrect dragons.

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