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Did you kill Paarthurnax?


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People should go to the Bethsoft Forum and make a Poll Thread so Bethesda can see theres a Programming Error for the Patch to fix, because Bethsoft Team Never comes here, they are only interested in our Mods, not our concerns for the Game.

Like I said, unless you tried to kill 'Nax and couldn't, I don't think it's a programming error on Bethsoft's part; I think it's a deliberate choice, because Bethsoft is incapable of understanding shades of gray, or doing things that aren't on the ends of a spectrum of some kind.

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Just figured I'd throw this in.

I haven't read the rest of the thread admittedly so it may of already been said but:


Paarthurnax's name means: "Ambition Overlord Cruel" In Dragon Tongue.

After i learned that, and since I had already had the advantage of seeing the conversation you have with him after killing Alduin, i chose to end his life.

He's just going to be another Alduin.

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While I never knew what his name meant, I never trusted him. He even told me, it's always wise to mistrust another Dovah, so that's what I did, I never fully trusted him, but for some reason I still feel bad about killing him...I want someone to make a mod that would allow me to resurrect him and somehow bind his will to my own, so he obeys and just sits on his mountain teaching his convoluted way of the world to those who will listen keeping him as far away from other dragons as possible. After the Main Quest though, if Paarthurnax is dead, Odahviing identified you as Alduin or something to that effect, I know he says something about Alduin, but it's been a while since I've heard it. Though I'm thinking I take up Alduins mantle as the one who is most powerful in the Voice and is worthy to lead the Dovs.
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Thing is, these are their true names, you don't get to choose your true name. The true name is your nature, and it's in his nature to be ambitious...and his ambition would have meant he would want to rule all the other dragons at some point, and if you let him live, that's pretty much what happens.
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Paarthurnax's name means: "Ambition Overlord Cruel" In Dragon Tongue.

After i learned that, and since I had already had the advantage of seeing the conversation you have with him after killing Alduin, i chose to end his life.

He's just going to be another Alduin.


So because he has a nasty name, he should be killed.


Paarthurnax freely admits his crimes when asked about them, and even says it's perfectly reasonable for the Blades to not trust him. He also says he's been sitting on top of a damn mountain meditating for a few thousand years specifically to defeat the intrinsic nature of dragons to dominate. He also rebelled against Alduin in the first place. I'd heard people using his final monologue as a justification he'll be another Alduin, and once I heard it myself, I wondered what they were smoking. He leaves to try and get other dragons to do the same as him; defeat their basic natures with meditation and will. How this equals evil I don't know. And to ram the point home, Odahviing says it's unlikely many will follow Paarthurnax in his path. Odahviing himself decides to follow you because, basically, you're an all conquering harbinger of doom and he's really down with that. Unlike Paarthurnax.


In sum total, Paarthurnax was born as a creature driven to conquer and dominate, which he did. For a while, anyway, then he rebelled against Alduin, helped humans defeat the dragons, sequestered himself on a mountaintop to overcome his instinctive draconic nature, continued helping humans the whole time, never once lied to the Dragonborn even when it would benefit him or keep him safer, and left to try and get other dragons to also meditate the evil out of them.


But he has a nasty name so sod it.

Edited by Khorak
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Going against ones nature is good and all, but did you listen to the part where he said he would FORCE the others to listen weather they wanted to or not? He wouldn't give the others the choice of their own path, he would force his on them, and for that he had to die, at least for me. No being should be forced to bend to another beings will, we bend through honor, deed, strength, never force. Force will only breed contempt, contempt breeds hate, hate breeds anger, and anger breeds war.



@ Trey, the quest disappears after the main quest is over, you can still complete it, but it vanishes from the log, at least it did for me.

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