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Skyrim ruined my life.


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Everything started 2 months ago when I was just getting started to be hyped for the new elders Scrolls sequel, as everyone else was, I believe?


I couldn't help myself but talk a little bit about it with my friends and girlfriend. Them who aren't into these kind of games, speaking of great RPG.


It hapenned even before the official date; 11.11.11. People around me started with slight jokes about dragons and swords, this kind of stuff. I told them it was funny at first but then it started to make me feel different with everyone around me. My ""friends"" told everybody I was some nerd addict with no social life, just to make them feel better I dare to believe? I work 50 hours a week and work out at the gym, barely even touch forza motorsport 3 hours per two weeks. People lied and.. lied and everybody stopped replying to my texts emails phone calls


I lost my job because of that ""one best friend""" who talkshit to my boss that i skipped a day of job for this game while i was just very sick in bed, worsr part is that day was before skyrims release date ,just wow. Had no opportunity to talk to him, too busy in the labs they say.


Then my beautiful girlfriend dumps me after five years of pure love. All dust, now. "you lost your job, gamer." that was the message she left before leaving with all her home goods. +5 gryfondor


That was the last chapter of my life. I hope you will join me on the tip of skyrim's highest mountain tip during your epic journeys I will be there hoping for justice.


Dreadfully sad last day, today was a rainy day, it did not wash the pain of yesterday


Just wanted to leave my sad and pitiful trace here, love. xx

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