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OR makes my mod unplayable


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I recently discovered that my marihuana mod does not work properly when Oblivion Reloaded is active.

I have no idea how exactly a plugin like OR works, so I'm not able to make my mod compatible with it.

It seems to me that it is the integrated FOV control in OR that makes the marihuana mod crash, when ever the "stoned" effect hits in. It changes the FOV, for a trippy-feeling.

Is anyone willing to help me and my mod users?

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Thank you for willing to help me L :)

I already tested that, but it keeps crashing like before.

Without OR, or with old OBGE everything works fine.

I wish I know what is going on :(

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:) (I am happy being called L . Thx for noticing)

what is the link for your mod "marihuana"

I want to take a closer look

well... as far as I know, if your mod does many shader effect. eventually OR will make sure game ctd because of bottleneck (not enough ram or memory leak)

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Betty please tell how the ctd happen.

it is from start ? or when you do something ? or when activate something ? or whatever else

so I can replicate the issue by myself


EDIT : please post your OR ini files too :smile:

Edited by lubronbrons
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Alright here is what to do, to reproduce the crash.

Go to "mary jane" shop in marked district. Buy a smokeable like Purple Haze, a grinder and a pipe.

Go into inventory and use grinder. Chooose Purple Haze. Exit menu and reenter it (I don't know if this was still needed in the latest version)

Now klick on pipe and exit menu again. You should see your pc smoking now. It takes a while and than "crash"


OblivionReloaded ini:

WindowedMode = 1
FoV = 90.0
WaterReflectionMapSize = 512
WaterManagement = 0
FarPlaneDistance = 283840.0
ScreenshotPath = \Screenshots
ScreenshotType = 1
CustomEffects = 0
FrameRate = 1
SaveSettings = 1
CombatMode = 0
CameraMode = 0
EquipmentMode = 0
SleepingMode = 0

Average = 30
Gap = 3
Delay = 10
FadeStep = 0.5
FadeMinObjects = 10
FadeMinActors = 15
GridStep = 2
GridMin = 5

HUDReticle = 2
ChasingFirst = 0
ChasingThird = 0
OffsetX = 0.0
OffsetY = 13.0
OffsetZ = 5.6
NearDistanceFirst = 2.0
NearDistanceThird = 8.0
DialogFirst = 2
DialogThird = 2
DialogOffsetX = 0.0
DialogOffsetY = 13.0
DialogOffsetZ = 5.1

Rest = 1
RestMessage = You must be in a bed to rest.

EnableWater = 1
EnableGrass = 0
EnablePrecipitations = 0
EnableHDR = 1
EnablePOM = 1
EnableSkin = 0
EnableTerrain = 0
EnableBlood = 0
EnableShadows = 1

EnableUnderwater = 0
EnableWaterLens = 0
EnableGodRays = 1
EnableDepthOfField = 1
EnableAmbientOcclusion = 1
EnableColoring = 1
EnableCinema = 1
EnableBloom = 0
EnableSnowAccumulation = 0
EnableBloodLens = 0
EnableMotionBlur = 0
EnableLowHF = 0
EnableWetWorld = 1
EnableSharpening = 0
EnableSMAA = 1

CompileShaders = 0
ShadersFolder = 0
TraceShaders = 0
TraceCulling = 0



In other ini I have everything ecxept Purger disabled.

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L, I decided to not use OR anymore. Old OBGE works more stable. I get overall less to no crashing.

The camera mode of OR is incompatible with your hunting mod.

Precipitations are incompatible with my tropical weather.

Something incompatible with marihuana mod... and just too many other issues.


But I know many use OR today, so your help is still wanted for other users of my mod :)

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Betty !!!!! :sad:


I am so so so sooooo SORRY ! currently I am working on big project ... a huge one

the project is about Immersive Interior + All Natural mod compilation

well ... after I publish it then I will be back to you I promise :smile:


also.... you still have not read my PM kind of make me a little sad :sad: coz I am the type person that not comfortable much with being ignored frequently

but last time you mention about busy life --- real life. I think that's reasonable answers so I will try to accept it more logically rather than my emotion

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I am gonna testing Marihana plus OR right now

but when I am preparing

I found strange thing

did you happen not use latest OR when testing Marihuana ?

I noticed in latest OR INI file ... compared with yours

in your OR INI this setting is missing

GrassMode                = 1

CompileEffects           = 0
TraceVanillaShaders      = 0
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