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OR makes my mod unplayable


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in Marihuana mod there is script that generate error just because that script is not compiled

2016/07/28 13:28:33 [004FC335] [WARNING] Script '' in file 'MrPwner's Marihuana Mod.esp' has not been compiled.
2016/07/28 13:28:33 [004FC335] [WARNING] Script 'aaBigBudScript2' in file 'MrPwner's Marihuana Mod.esp' has not been compiled.

SOLUTION : open Marihuana ESP then go to aaBigBudScript2 line 30,

change 'player.removeitem MrPwbigBud 1' -----> 'player.removeitem MrPBigBud 1'

Edited by lubronbrons
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OK ! I managed to enter the game without crashing

it's because of the settings .... if I use 'your' OR settings I always got crash at first loading screen

now is all working I can play OR with this setting



WindowedMode             = 0
FoV                      = 75.0
WaterReflectionMapSize   = 512
WaterManagement          = 1
FarPlaneDistance         = 283840.0
ScreenshotPath           = \Screenshots
ScreenshotType           = 1
CustomEffects            = 0
FrameRate                = 0
SaveSettings             = 0
CombatMode               = 0
CameraMode               = 0
EquipmentMode            = 0
SleepingMode             = 0
GrassMode                = 1

Average                  = 30
Gap                      = 3
Delay                    = 10
FadeStep                 = 0.5
FadeMinObjects           = 10
FadeMinActors            = 15
GridStep                 = 2
GridMin                  = 5

HUDReticle               = 2
ChasingFirst             = 0
ChasingThird             = 0
OffsetX                  = 0.0
OffsetY                  = 15.0
OffsetZ                  = 4.0
NearDistanceFirst        = 2.0
NearDistanceThird        = 10.0
DialogFirst              = 1
DialogThird              = 2
DialogOffsetX            = 50.0
DialogOffsetY            = -10.0
DialogOffsetZ            = 10.0

Rest                     = 0
RestMessage              = You must be in a bed to rest.

EnableWater              = 0
EnableGrass              = 0
EnablePrecipitations     = 0
EnableHDR                = 0
EnablePOM                = 0
EnableSkin               = 0
EnableTerrain            = 0
EnableBlood              = 0
EnableShadows            = 0

EnableUnderwater         = 0
EnableWaterLens          = 0
EnableGodRays            = 1
EnableDepthOfField       = 0
EnableAmbientOcclusion   = 0
EnableColoring           = 0
EnableCinema             = 0
EnableBloom              = 0
EnableSnowAccumulation   = 0
EnableBloodLens          = 0
EnableMotionBlur         = 0
EnableLowHF              = 0
EnableWetWorld           = 0
EnableSharpening         = 0
EnableSMAA               = 0

CompileShaders           = 0
CompileEffects           = 0
ShadersFolder            = 0
TraceShaders             = 0
TraceVanillaShaders      = 0
TraceCulling             = 0





I did as you told me to produce the crash ,,,,

it is absolute ctd

now it is my turn to look for the source of the crash

I'll let you know if I found anything Betty :smile:

Edited by lubronbrons
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I've solved your Marihuana plus OR ctd issue Betty :D

remember to fix your other script before start this (see my previous post above)

here's the step

go open your Marihuana ESP then go to script called ' aaMrPSmokeMJScript '

and replace all of that script with the revised version (in the spoiler button)

NOTE that, the Origin of error is come from BAD animation file, and that file is XSKillAnim.kf see error log below

2016/07/28 14:43:04  [0051BA26] [WARNING]   AnimGroup unable to find sequence 'KillAnim' in model 'Meshes\Characters\_Male\IdleAnims\XSPipeMod\XSKillAnim.kf'.

it seems because OR is present, it can detect any bad animation file and ctd if found

that's why


Revised script aaMrPSmokeMJScript



scn aaMrPSmokeMJScript

float fQuestDelayTime
short XSSmokingStage
float XSTimer
short XSDelaySwitch
float XSDelay
long XSPOVKey
long XSPOVAltKey
long XSActKey
long XSActAltKey
;Smoking is a global variable used := detect if the pipe is being smoked. (Type: short)
;MJAnimationDuration is a global variable that stores the number of seconds := play the Animation Loop. (Type: float)

;short doOnce

begin gamemode

	;if doOnce == 0
	;	Let doOnce := 1
	;	con_TGM
	;	ToggleDebugText2

	Let fQuestDelayTime := 0.001

	if XSSmokingStage == 0
		Let XSTimer := 20
		Let XSPOVKey := GetControl 14
		Let XSPOVAltKey := GetAltControl 14
		Let XSActKey := GetControl 5
		Let XSActAltKey := GetAltControl 5
		if IsThirdPerson == 0
			TapKey XSPOVKey
		DisableKey XSPOVKey
		DisableKey XSPOVAltKey
		DisableKey XSActKey
		DisableKey XSActAltKey
		Let XSSmokingStage := 1
	elseif XSSmokingStage == 1
		if IsThirdPerson == 1
			;PrintToConsole "smoking stage %g" XSSmokingStage
			if Player.GetFactionRank XSSmokingFaction < 0
				Player.SetFactionRank XSSmokingFaction, 0
			Let XSDelay := GetFPS
			Let XSDelaySwitch := 1
			Let XSSmokingStage := 2
			;PrintToConsole "smoking stage %g delay %g switch %g" XSSmokingStage XSDelay XSDelaySwitch
	elseif XSSmokingStage == 2
		if XSDelaySwitch == 0
			;PrintToConsole "smoking stage %g" XSSmokingStage
			EnableKey XSPOVKey
			EnableKey XSPOVAltKey
			Let XSSmokingStage := 3
			;PrintToConsole "smoking stage %g delay %g switch %g" XSSmokingStage XSDelay XSDelaySwitch
	elseif XSSmokingStage == 3
		if IsThirdPerson == 1
			;PrintToConsole "smoking stage %g" XSSmokingStage
			if Player.IsSneaking == 1
				Let XSTimer := 0
			elseif Player.IsSwimming == 1
				Let XSTimer := 0
			Let XSTimer := ( XSTimer - GetSecondsPassed )
			if XSTimer < 0
				DisableKey XSPOVKey
				DisableKey XSPOVAltKey
				Let XSSmokingStage := 4
			;PrintToConsole "smoking stage %g delay %g switch %g" XSSmokingStage XSDelay XSDelaySwitch
		elseif IsThirdPerson == 0
			;PrintToConsole "smoking stage %g" XSSmokingStage
			TapKey XSPOVKey
			DisableKey XSPOVKey
			DisableKey XSPOVAltKey
			Let XSDelay := GetFPS
			Let XSDelaySwitch := 1
			Let XSSmokingStage := 2
			;PrintToConsole "smoking stage %g delay %g switch %g" XSSmokingStage XSDelay XSDelaySwitch
	elseif XSSmokingStage == 4
		;PrintToConsole "smoking stage %g" XSSmokingStage
		if Player.GetFactionRank XSSmokingFaction < 1
			Player.SetFactionRank XSSmokingFaction, 1
		Player.PlayGroup Idle, 1
		Let XSDelay := GetFPS
		Let XSDelaySwitch := 1
		Let XSSmokingStage := 5
		;PrintToConsole "smoking stage %g delay %g switch %g" XSSmokingStage XSDelay XSDelaySwitch
	elseif XSSmokingStage == 5
		if XSDelaySwitch == 0
			;Player.PlayGroup Idle,1
			if Player.GetFactionRank XSSmokingFaction >= 0
				Player.SetFactionRank XSSmokingFaction, -1
			;Player.PlayGroup Idle,1
			Let XSDelay := GetFPS
			Let XSDelaySwitch := 1
			Let XSSmokingStage := 6
			;PrintToConsole "smoking stage %g delay %g switch %g" XSSmokingStage XSDelay XSDelaySwitch
	elseif XSSmokingStage == 6
		if XSDelaySwitch == 0
			;PrintToConsole "smoking stage %g" XSSmokingStage
			;Player.PlayGroup Idle,1
			Let XSSmokingStage := 10
			;PrintToConsole "smoking stage %g delay %g switch %g" XSSmokingStage XSDelay XSDelaySwitch
	elseif XSSmokingStage == 10
		;PrintToConsole "smoking stage %g delay %g switch %g" XSSmokingStage XSDelay XSDelaySwitch
		MrPSpellCaster.MoveTo PlayerRef
		MrPSpellCaster.Cast MrPBigBudEffect PlayerRef
		MrPSpellCaster.MoveTo CookMuffinHome
		colorskyRef.MoveTo PlayerRef
		;recover idle
		Player.PlayGroup Idle 1
		;switch pov to show dazzling effect
		TapKey XSPOVKey
		;reset state
		EnableKey XSPOVKey
		EnableKey XSPOVAltKey
		EnableKey XSActKey
		EnableKey XSActAltKey
		Let Smoking := 0
		Let XSSmokingStage := 0
		StopQuest aaMrPSmokeMJ

	if XSDelaySwitch == 1
		Let XSDelay :=  ( XSDelay - 1 )
		if XSDelay < 0
			Let XSDelaySwitch := 0




Edited by lubronbrons
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