shingouki2002 Posted July 20, 2016 Share Posted July 20, 2016 I have a script that I wrote for Skyrim. I came from Fallout 4, so I realize that a lot of features in FO4 creation kit arent there...but I feel like my code should be working, but I have no idea why it isn't. Any clues? It's a Quest script by the way. What it does is, when the player equips a weapon from my mod that has the keyword that matches their race (the weapons are racial weapons), they get a small perk that buffs them. WHen they dont have it equipped, it removes the perk. Scriptname TCOSS_RSRaceQuestScript extends Quest Actor player Race Property ArgonianRace Auto Race Property ArgonianRaceVampire Auto Race Property BretonRace Auto Race Property BretonRaceVampire Auto Race Property DarkElfRace Auto Race Property DarkElfRaceVampire Auto Race Property HighElfRace Auto Race Property HighElfRaceVampire Auto Race Property ImperialRace Auto Race Property ImperialRaceVampire Auto Race Property KhajiitRace Auto Race Property KhajiitRaceVampire Auto Race Property NordRace Auto Race Property NordRaceVampire Auto Race Property OrcRace Auto Race Property OrcRaceVampire Auto Race Property RedguardRace Auto Race Property RedguardRaceVampire Auto Race Property WoodElfRace Auto Race Property WoodElfRaceVampire Auto Keyword Property WeapMaterialRSArgonian Auto Keyword Property WeapMaterialRSAylied Auto Keyword Property WeapMaterialRSBosmer Auto Keyword Property WeapMaterialRSBreton Auto Keyword Property WeapMaterialRSDaedric Auto Keyword Property WeapMaterialRSDunmer Auto Keyword Property WeapMaterialRSHighElf Auto Keyword Property WeapMaterialRSImperial Auto Keyword Property WeapMaterialRSKhajiit Auto Keyword Property WeapMaterialRSLegend Auto Keyword property WeapMaterialRSNord Auto Keyword Property WeapMaterialRSOrc Auto Keyword Property WeapMaterialRSRedguard Auto bool rsWeaponAlreadyEquipped Race[] RaceToIndex int[] RaceIndexToRaceDataIndex Race playerRace Keyword[] RSRaceKeyword string[] DisplayText string[] DisplayTextUnEquip Perk TCOSS_RSRacePerk Event OnQuestInit() TraceAndNotify("OnQuestInit()", True) player = Game.GetPlayer() ReInit() EndEvent Event OnPlayerLoadGame() TraceAndNotify("OnPlayerLoadGame()") ReInit() EndEvent Function ReInit() Debug.Trace("Initializing Races...") ;Race Array RaceToIndex = New Race [20] RaceToIndex[0] = ArgonianRace RaceToIndex[1] = ArgonianRaceVampire RaceToIndex[2] = BretonRace RaceToIndex[3] = BretonRaceVampire RaceToIndex[4] = DarkElfRace RaceToIndex[5] = DarkElfRaceVampire RaceToIndex[6] = HighElfRace RaceToIndex[7] = HighElfRaceVampire RaceToIndex[8] = ImperialRace RaceToIndex[9] = ImperialRaceVampire RaceToIndex[10] = KhajiitRace RaceToIndex[11] = KhajiitRaceVampire RaceToIndex[12] = NordRace RaceToIndex[13] = NordRaceVampire RaceToIndex[14] = OrcRace RaceToIndex[15] = OrcRaceVampire RaceToIndex[16] = RedguardRace RaceToIndex[17] = RedguardRaceVampire RaceToIndex[18] = WoodElfRace RaceToIndex[19] = WoodElfRaceVampire RaceIndexToRaceDataIndex = New int [20] RaceIndexToRaceDataIndex[0] = 0 RaceIndexToRaceDataIndex[1] = 0 RaceIndexToRaceDataIndex[2] = 1 RaceIndexToRaceDataIndex[3] = 1 RaceIndexToRaceDataIndex[4] = 2 RaceIndexToRaceDataIndex[5] = 2 RaceIndexToRaceDataIndex[6] = 3 RaceIndexToRaceDataIndex[7] = 3 RaceIndexToRaceDataIndex[8] = 4 RaceIndexToRaceDataIndex[9] = 4 RaceIndexToRaceDataIndex[10] = 5 RaceIndexToRaceDataIndex[11] = 5 RaceIndexToRaceDataIndex[12] = 6 RaceIndexToRaceDataIndex[13] = 6 RaceIndexToRaceDataIndex[14] = 7 RaceIndexToRaceDataIndex[15] = 7 RaceIndexToRaceDataIndex[16] = 8 RaceIndexToRaceDataIndex[17] = 8 RaceIndexToRaceDataIndex[18] = 9 RaceIndexToRaceDataIndex[19] = 9 RSRaceKeyword = New Keyword [10] RSRaceKeyword[0] = WeapMaterialRSArgonian RSRaceKeyword[1] = WeapMaterialRSBreton RSRaceKeyword[2] = WeapMaterialRSDunmer RSRaceKeyword[3] = WeapMaterialRSAylied RSRaceKeyword[4] = WeapMaterialRSImperial RSRaceKeyword[5] = WeapMaterialRSKhajiit RSRaceKeyword[6] = WeapMaterialRSNord RSRaceKeyword[7] = WeapMaterialRSOrc RSRaceKeyword[8] = WeapMaterialRSRedguard RSRaceKeyword[9] = WeapMaterialRSBosmer DisplayText = New String [10] DisplayText[0] = "The Hist whispers approval in your mind as you take up a weapon of the Root. You are empowered." DisplayText[1] = "You feel the salt and warmth of the Iliac Bay on your skin as you draw a weapon of High Rock. You are empowered." DisplayText[2] = "You taste the bitter ashes of Morrowind as you grip a weapon of the Dunmer. You are empowered." DisplayText[3] = "The sound of the waves breaking upon the crystalline shores of Alinor comes to your ears as you take up a weapon of your people. You are empowered." DisplayText[4] = "The tall and mighty White Gold Tower casts a shadow on you as you hold a weapon of Cyrodiil. You are empowered." DisplayText[5] = "You feel the warm sands of Elsweyr between your toes as you hold aloft a weapon of the Khajiit. You are empowered." DisplayText[6] = "The northern Skyrim winds blow strongly around you as you wield a weapon of your ancestors. You are empowered." DisplayText[7] = "The Spirit of Malacath fills you with bloodlust as you wield a weapon of your people. You are empowered." DisplayText[8] = "The proud ancestors of old Yokuda guide your hand as you bring forth a weapon of your people. You are empowered." DisplayText[9] = "You smell the sap of the trees of Valenwood as you hold a weapon of your people. You are empowered." DisplayTextUnEquip = New string [10] DisplayTextUnEquip[0] = "The whispers fade as you lay down the weapon." DisplayTextUnEquip[1] = "The warmth fades as you lay down the weapon." DisplayTextUnEquip[2] = "The taste of ash vanishes as you lay down the weapon." DisplayTextUnEquip[3] = "The dull whistle of the gales of Skyrim drown out the waves as you lay down the weapon." DisplayTextUnEquip[4] = "The shadow passes as you lay down the weapon." DisplayTextUnEquip[5] = "The sand turns to rocky tundra under your feet as you lay down the weapon." DisplayTextUnEquip[6] = "The winds falter as you lay down the weapon." DisplayTextUnEquip[7] = "Your nerves calm as you lay down the weapon." DisplayTextUnEquip[8] = "The spirits vanish as you lay down the weapon." DisplayTextUnEquip[9] = "The smell dissipates as you lay down the weapon." EndFunction ;Check what Item is equipped vs the Race of the player Event OnItemEquipped(Actor akSender, Form akBaseObject, ObjectReference akReference) RSRaceChecker() EndEvent Event OnItemUnequipped(Form akBaseObject, ObjectReference akReference) playerRace = player.GetRace() int RaceIndexValue = RaceIndexToRaceDataIndex[RaceToIndex.Find(playerRace)] if player.WornHasKeyword(RSRaceKeyword[RaceIndexValue]) ;if At least one equipped item has the keyword, avoid showing text ;Do Nothing else ;if nothing equipped has that keyword when you unequipped then... if rsWeaponAlreadyEquipped ;if a rsweapon was equipped at the time Onunequipped happened, play the unequip text TraceAndNotify(DisplayTextUnEquip[RaceIndexValue]) RemoveRealswordsPerk() endif endif EndEvent Function RSRaceChecker() playerRace = player.GetRace() int RaceIndexValue = RaceIndexToRaceDataIndex[RaceToIndex.Find(playerRace)] if player.WornHasKeyword(RSRaceKeyword[RaceIndexValue]) ;Check to see if the player has the keyword matching their race if !rsWeaponAlreadyEquipped ;no RSweapons are already equipped TraceAndNotify(DisplayText[RaceIndexValue]) ;display text for equip AddRealswordsPerk() ;add the perk endif else ; if the player doesnt have the keyword and equipped a weapon... if rsWeaponAlreadyEquipped ;and the flag for an RS weapon type was already on. TraceAndNotify(DisplayTextUnEquip[RaceIndexValue]) ;display unequip text RemoveRealswordsPerk() ;remove RSperk and toggle rsEquipped flag endif endif EndFunction Function AddRealswordsPerk() TraceAndNotify("AddRealswordsPerk()", True) if !player.HasPerk(TCOSS_RSRacePerk) player.AddPerk(TCOSS_RSRacePerk) EndIf rsWeaponAlreadyEquipped = True EndFunction Function RemoveRealswordsPerk() TraceAndNotify("RemoveRealswordsPerk()", True) if player.HasPerk(TCOSS_RSRacePerk) player.RemovePerk(TCOSS_RSRacePerk) EndIf rsWeaponAlreadyEquipped = False EndFunction Function TraceAndNotify(string msg, bool TraceOnly = False) ;debugging purposes Debug.Trace(msg) if !TraceOnly Debug.Notification(msg) EndIf EndFunction Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Genamine Posted July 20, 2016 Share Posted July 20, 2016 Why not just add a script that adds the perk to the actor when equipped, and add a condition to the perk so as to only make it work for its specific race? Wuuthrad already has a ready-to-use script that adds a perk to the actor when its equipped Or do you only want it to work while the quest is active? (Assuming your quest doesnt auto start, like controller quests) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
IsharaMeradin Posted July 21, 2016 Share Posted July 21, 2016 You'll need to rethink your script a bit. Not all of that will run on a quest script. OnQuestInit <-- is not a Skyrim event. Use OnInit insteadOnPlayerLoadGame <-- does not run on a quest script. Can only run on a reference alias script for the player.OnItemEquipped <-- Skyrim version is OnObjectEquipped and can only run on an actor script or reference alias scriptOnItemUnequipped <-- Same as the above. OnObjectUnequipped Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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