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Beth messed up our elves!


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No offense but it seems to me you're one of a small minority who thinks they're just fine.


So they're just fine -- for you. Repeating it over and over isn't going to persuade the rest of us. Thankfully, we are free to mod them.

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I already find Redguards that look like Dunmer (go see the Fletcher in Solitude if you don't know what I'm talking about). The Dark Elves, in my opinion, don't need a change to look more 'human'. The other elves never really bothered me either, though I suppose the Bosmer are a little creepy looking this time around. I guess if I ever played an Altmer or Bosmer, my opinion might be different. When it comes down to brass tacks, though, a cosmetic change to the elves would have to be pretty epic to entice me to download it.
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I think the Altme look perfect in Skyrim. Their new look fits their high standing, ancient lineage, elligance, and bearing. The reason, I'm guessing, that there weren't that many creation options was because each race has it's own type of look. In Oblvion, you could make a race look like a whole different one. I like how they restricted it and made them only 'just so'.

But they all look the same! Isn't this just a bit dull?


Where do you get that they all look the same? I can clearly tell the difference between all of the Mer races. They all have their own special eye colours, as well.

Really? Maybe I need something a little more in your face than eye colour because I really can't tell them apart very easily. I just have to go on skin colour mainly.

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They're supposed to look exotic because they're not human. Most people who are whining about the Mer just want their girly Elf boys back. They aren't supposed to look human. They are Mer. MER!!! M-E-R!! Mer =/= Man. Therefore, they should not look like humans that much. I actually know people who like the way they look too, so I'm not so much of a minority.









I suggest you get a grip and be careful how you denigrate your fellow forum members. Ranting and caps lock abuse are especially likely to get a strike and be very careful what you say cannot be construed as homophobia or personal attacks. This is a Warning. -myrmaad

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They're supposed to look exotic because they're not human. Most people who are whining about the Mer just want their girly Elf boys back. They aren't supposed to look human. They are Mer. MER!!! M-E-R!! Mer =/= Man. Therefore, they should not look like humans that much. I actually know people who like the way they look too, so I'm not so much of a minority.

I agree they shouldn't look like humans but why do they have to look all evil and pointy, kind of alien looking. I don't want a girly Elf boy I actually want to create an Elf female that doesn't look extremely freaky with the black and white eyes etc. So tell me what do MER look like? Are Mer traditionally ugly and evil looking?

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They're supposed to look exotic because they're not human. Most people who are whining about the Mer just want their girly Elf boys back. They aren't supposed to look human. They are Mer. MER!!! M-E-R!! Mer =/= Man. Therefore, they should not look like humans that much. I actually know people who like the way they look too, so I'm not so much of a minority.

I agree they shouldn't look like humans but why do they have to look all evil and pointy, kind of alien looking. I don't want a girly Elf boy I actually want to create an Elf female that doesn't look extremely freaky with the black and white eyes etc. So tell me what do MER look like? Are Mer traditionally ugly and evil looking?


I don't know about you, but I've created very beautiful looking Mer. :D I would show screenies, but I have it for PS3. I personally think the Mer look great in this game. They look like they're supposed to.

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I really enjoy the new look of elves, Bosmers and Altmers are perfect for me. Distinct, but pretty in their own way, and they don't look like stereotypical fair, noble and beautiful race... which they are not :). I feel the Dunmers are a little over the top - they look too rough and thus ugly, females especially. On the other hand, what Beth did to Orcs is just great - they are still very "orcish" but don't look just dumb and some of them are cute in a sense..
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I really enjoy the new look of elves, Bosmers and Altmers are perfect for me. Distinct, but pretty in their own way, and they don't look like stereotypical fair, noble and beautiful race... which they are not :). I feel the Dunmers are a little over the top - they look too rough and thus ugly, females especially. On the other hand, what Beth did to Orcs is just great - they are still very "orcish" but don't look just dumb and some of them are cute in a sense..


The Mer are supposed to be beautiful, Altmer mostly, which they are. But I also, as well, love how they are not the stereotypical types of Elves being noble and all of that. I'm fine with the Dunmer and the Orcs do look even better (not attractive, but just Orcish). I love how the Altmer, though fair and magically powerful (as they should be) aren't goody-goddy Elves. The Bosmer are also extremely unique, they are like the Altmer, but they also cannibalize their victims, something you wouldn't find in any other fantasy setting, really. And the Dunmer. They aren't your typical Dark Elves either. They are dark, yes, but they aren't evil and worshipping some evil god/dess.


I just can't get over how wonderful and beautiufl the new Mer faces are. I just love them! They are so unique and beautiful! I think the black eyes looks great on the Bosmer, the green and gold eyes (it would be nice if there was blue too, but green is just fine) on the Altmer are great, and the red eyes of the Dunmer are great as well.

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Sorry if anyone already said this; I didn't read through the entire thread.


Bethesda did something great with all of the Elf races, in my opinion. The reason I say this is because Bethesda took the looks of Morrowind races, and threw them into Skyrim---only they look 100x better! I have to disagree with people saying they're ugly or don't fit.


The Dunmer are an excellent example of having the look of Morrowind, with the updated graphics of Skyrim. All the Elven faces should have very high cheek bones, and a more oval-shaped head/face. Also, the Dunmer facial presets in Skyrim resemble all kinds of different Dunmer Elves from Morrowind.


I dunno, I just think Bethesda tried very hard to bring the feel of this game back to Morrowind. The only thing missing from Skyrim is that feeling that you're in a strange world. Skyrim does everything else right in my opinion, especially considering the storyline they decided to follow. I think Bethesda decided to do its best to mesh Morrowind into all of their newer ideas.


So, if you look at the races in Skyrim with Morrowind in mind, I think you'll see what I mean.

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