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Beth messed up our elves!


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Sorry if anyone already said this; I didn't read through the entire thread.


Bethesda did something great with all of the Elf races, in my opinion. The reason I say this is because Bethesda took the looks of Morrowind races, and threw them into Skyrim---only they look 100x better! I have to disagree with people saying they're ugly or don't fit.


The Dunmer are an excellent example of having the look of Morrowind, with the updated graphics of Skyrim. All the Elven faces should have very high cheek bones, and a more oval-shaped head/face. Also, the Dunmer facial presets in Skyrim resemble all kinds of different Dunmer Elves from Morrowind.


I dunno, I just think Bethesda tried very hard to bring the feel of this game back to Morrowind. The only thing missing from Skyrim is that feeling that you're in a strange world. Skyrim does everything else right in my opinion, especially considering the storyline they decided to follow. I think Bethesda decided to do its best to mesh Morrowind into all of their newer ideas.


So, if you look at the races in Skyrim with Morrowind in mind, I think you'll see what I mean.


I absolutely, 100% agree. Kudos to you!

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The Mer are supposed to be beautiful, Altmer mostly, which they are. But I also, as well, love how they are not the stereotypical types of Elves being noble and all of that. I'm fine with the Dunmer and the Orcs do look even better (not attractive, but just Orcish). I love how the Altmer, though fair and magically powerful (as they should be) aren't goody-goddy Elves. The Bosmer are also extremely unique, they are like the Altmer, but they also cannibalize their victims, something you wouldn't find in any other fantasy setting, really. And the Dunmer. They aren't your typical Dark Elves either. They are dark, yes, but they aren't evil and worshipping some evil god/dess.


I just can't get over how wonderful and beautiufl the new Mer faces are. I just love them! They are so unique and beautiful! I think the black eyes looks great on the Bosmer, the green and gold eyes (it would be nice if there was blue too, but green is just fine) on the Altmer are great, and the red eyes of the Dunmer are great as well.

I think this is what I am having trouble understanding, I see you are saying that you think they ARE beautiful already. I respect that people have different visions of beauty but I am having trouble sharing it where these elves are concerned.

Also I agree they should not look goody goody because in lore they are not goodly types, but what I am hankering after are high elves that look mystical, magical and ethereal but with a proud arrogance of expression which shows their true nature and character. I don't get this with the Skyrim elves they just look (to me) weird and ugly, their expression seems to be more "I'm a bit pissed off" rather than one of near godly arrogance.


I don't mind the Dunmer looks although the females could be improved as having read about Barenziah she is suppose to be very beautiful too and it is hard to imagine how any human would find them remotely attractive.


I am confused with the Bosmer as I don't think Bethesda can make up their minds over which direction to take them in, currently there is very little difference between them and the looks of altmer, the latter is taller and has yellow skin but this is the only difference I can see. I didn't think they looked ideal in Oblivion but I felt the direction was better in that they were more unique, they were noticably shorter, slighly cuter and sweeter in character. I liked the variety this brought to the game world and character choice. Now we find out they are suppose to be crazy cannibal types who won't eat vegetables, yet in Oblivion many of them happily sold vegetables! Its all got very confusing. I don't think the wood elves need to be portrayed as this bad ass and evil race, the other two elven races fullfill the need for the evil side of elves, can't we just have one that is a little bit ... nicer? (for want of a better word) less crazy than the rest? I would like their looks to reflect their woodland heritage more, so a with a more rustic feel, this could be so cool if they just throught about it more they could do something really creative with them.


Orcs, Kahjiit and the other races look really good I think. I am just really unhappy with the elves. :down:

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They look pretty proud and arrogant to me. I don't see how anyone can think they ARE ugly. When I first saw the preset pictures, my heart sped up with glee because of how amazing they looked.


You guys want differences between Altmer and Bosmer? Okay:

Altmer have green and gold eyes.

Bosmer have black.


Altmer are very tall.

Bosmer are short/medium.


Altmer have pale golden skin.

Bosmer have more 'humanish' skin colours.


Altmer have higher cheek bones and more gaunt faces than Bosmer.


Bosmer have larger mouths than Altmer.


Altmer noses are more curved in the bridge than Bosmer.


I think anyone who can't tell the differences between the two don't really pay attention to the character models.

Not to mention the obvious voice difference.


I mean, if you put up a picture of the two together, side by side, you can obviously tell the difference, or does it honestly take a Mer-savvy person to recognize it? :dry:

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They look pretty proud and arrogant to me. I don't see how anyone can think they ARE ugly. When I first saw the preset pictures, my heart sped up with glee because of how amazing they looked.


You guys want differences between Altmer and Bosmer? Okay:

Altmer have green and gold eyes.

Bosmer have black.


Altmer are very tall.

Bosmer are short/medium.


Altmer have pale golden skin.

Bosmer have more 'humanish' skin colours.


Altmer have higher cheek bones and more gaunt faces than Bosmer.


Bosmer have larger mouths than Altmer.


Altmer noses are more curved in the bridge than Bosmer.


I think anyone who can't tell the differences between the two don't really pay attention to the character models.

Not to mention the obvious voice difference.


I mean, if you put up a picture of the two together, side by side, you can obviously tell the difference, or does it honestly take a Mer-savvy person to recognize it? :dry:

hehe :laugh: well I don't know! I would be interested to know if anyone else is having the problem I have, I think the differences you mention here are subtle (too subtle for me anyway!) but maybe it is just me and I am not one of the Mer-Savvy :confused:


I can see if I look hard but I want it IN MY FACE obvious!

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They look pretty proud and arrogant to me. I don't see how anyone can think they ARE ugly. When I first saw the preset pictures, my heart sped up with glee because of how amazing they looked.


You guys want differences between Altmer and Bosmer? Okay:

Altmer have green and gold eyes.

Bosmer have black.


Altmer are very tall.

Bosmer are short/medium.


Altmer have pale golden skin.

Bosmer have more 'humanish' skin colours.


Altmer have higher cheek bones and more gaunt faces than Bosmer.


Bosmer have larger mouths than Altmer.


Altmer noses are more curved in the bridge than Bosmer.


I think anyone who can't tell the differences between the two don't really pay attention to the character models.

Not to mention the obvious voice difference.


I mean, if you put up a picture of the two together, side by side, you can obviously tell the difference, or does it honestly take a Mer-savvy person to recognize it? :dry:

hehe :laugh: well I don't know! I would be interested to know if anyone else is having the problem I have, I think the differences you mention here are subtle (too subtle for me anyway!) but maybe it is just me and I am not one of the Mer-Savvy :confused:


I can see if I look hard but I want it IN MY FACE obvious!


Did you look at the links I posted? I mean, they're pretty obviousl...

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In general structure theres not too much differance between the Altmer or the Bosmer. The Dunmer would have the same overall features as well if it wern't for their heavier brows. Plus... you know... their skin is kind of a dead giveaway.


But there is still a noticable difference between Bosmer and Altmer, as the pictures show quite well. It gets hard to tell when you have someone with a helmet on mind you, since height in the game is hard to judge unless you have a taller individual standing next to the target.


PS... Did someone really dig through 20 odd pages of threads and bring this monstrosity back to life? I smell a war-crimes trubunal comming this way.

Edited by Lachdonin
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Did you look at the links I posted? I mean, they're pretty obviousl...


Ok, honestly I can see some difference for instance eye colour but that is about it, I STILL don't think it is very very obvious. The skin colours are all a sort of dirty brown colour. If you made all the high elves eyes black or the same colours that the bosmers are (or vice versa) would you really notice much difference? Also looking at these I can now see how much the Dunmer look like the Altmer, especially the very dark skinned Altmer they show here.


I can't see the beauty anyway, they still look really ugly to me and I am trying to be constructive in my critism! :armscrossed:

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PS... Did someone really dig through 20 odd pages of threads and bring this monstrosity back to life? I smell a war-crimes trubunal comming this way.


I reckon someone typed in the search "Ugly Elves" et voila!

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