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Beth messed up our elves!


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I personally think that the Wood Elves look great. Much better than they did in Oblivion. In Oblivion most of them looked like they were overweight or just misshapen in general. The Dunmer look like how they did in Morrowind, which I love but the Altmer, really need to go back to the pretty-boy look. Maybe it's just me but whenever I hear Altmer or High-Elf I think of someone who is extremely vain and self-centered. Not that many ugly people are vain, I would know, I am not that fetching. lol But seriously, the Altmer should be extremely fair-looking and not the a fore mentioned Klingon/Vulcan hybrids.


NO pretty boy look. They aren't Legolas (I love him, don't get me wrong) type Elves. They look how they are supposed to. No androgynous Mer for me. They look beautiful as it is. In Oblivion, it was so easy to make them look uber girly or extremely ugly, which was disgusting.

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@ Myrmaad

YES!!! That is exactly what they should look like!!!! This is exactly what I have in my mind! Is this Morrowind? I didn't play, but they look awesome!


Especially ...

ok counting from left to right of the circles...

Dark Elves - 3, 7 and 9 are my favourite

High Elves - 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10 and 12 these are completely unique and individual, they are unmistakenly ES Altmer, yet they are attractive and have the arrogant, conceited air to their character yet they also look magical and ethereal!


None of these look like humans with pointy ears they are clearly elves, clearly different, unique looking from the other races, not too pretty but attractive to look at! Awwww why can't they look like this in Skyrim!!!! :wallbash:


Please go and work for them and make them see reason!!! :)

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Yes those thumbnails are Morrowind Dunmers and Altmers, aren't they gorgeous!


One of the things I will be working on is Traditional Morrowind style Dunmer facial piercings.


Achieving that graceful intellectual esoteric impression of the Altmer, though, is probably going to be more of a challenge. However I have redone the eyes.. (I've redone all the eyes) and I think that's a step.

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While i think those Altmer are a fine representation of what the Altmer SHOULD look like, i'm afraid i never did like those Dunmer faces. Nor am i particularly fond of that Aliensof one. Their just to... Smooth. It may be my anthropological background comming through, but individuals who spend their lives in high-dust environments tend to have rough and cragy skin to show for it. I also find that the overdeveloped brows (No doubt from scowling all the time) help define Dunmer and that sinister appearance their so known for.


Some dunmer, raised away from Morrowind, i suppose would ahve softer skin, but the overwhelming amount of them are natives of Morrowind, so i don't think it should be common. It just doesn't match their character.

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While i think those Altmer are a fine representation of what the Altmer SHOULD look like, i'm afraid i never did like those Dunmer faces. Nor am i particularly fond of that Aliensof one. Their just to... Smooth. It may be my anthropological background comming through, but individuals who spend their lives in high-dust environments tend to have rough and cragy skin to show for it. I also find that the overdeveloped brows (No doubt from scowling all the time) help define Dunmer and that sinister appearance their so known for.


Some dunmer, raised away from Morrowind, i suppose would ahve softer skin, but the overwhelming amount of them are natives of Morrowind, so i don't think it should be common. It just doesn't match their character.

Hmm that is an interesting point about the Dunmer, the AlienSlof one is scowling though, I wonder if he had a little more craggy skin he would be perfect. On the thumbnails I like Dunmer number 7 most this is how I imagine Barenziah to look, she is not scowling but I think she looks really unique, I like the face shape and expression, although I do agree some what that most Dark Elves should be a little bit more sinister looking.

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Barenziah was something of an abnormality amongst Dunmer. There certianly are elegant and beautiful memeber of the race who find their place whithin other cultures, but by and large the Dunmer are xenophobic, grumpy and in may cases borderling psychotic.


As for the Aliensof pic, i view that more as a expression of determination than a proper scowl...

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