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How immersed do you play?


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The pleasure is on the journey. Not to reach the destination. I dont see Skyrim as a competitive game, where efficiency and power is above all. When I play an MMORPG Im the last person in the world to waste any time doing anything besides doing the most efficient thing to level up or make the most amount of money/valuables per time and micromanaging multiple accounts on virtual boxes, using all macros/exploits/cheats I can find/design. When I play MMORPGs Im there to cause effect on players themselfs. When I play single player RPGs, playing like that gives me no pleasure, no satisfaction. Before playing Skyrim I came straight from Dwarf Fortress. The only similarity between both playstyles is that they are extreme and I invest all the time and effort I can to do the things I need to do.


If you played Sims 2, you'd be the guy that always played the Apocalypse Challenge with both the 'fight club' and the 'zombie apocalypse' mods, just to make it interesting. You'd probably randomize the career lifting, too.


As for my Skyrim playing, I'll take the carriage, sleep as regularly as possible, avoid traveling in blizzards, and run like a scared bunny when those spiders show up. Lydia takes care of them for me.

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I like to take things slowly to. One quest at a time and while I'm at it I also enjoy the views, more or less, depending on how nice the environment is or if I've been there before, or not. I only use fast travel between towns. I'd use the existing transport sistem, but then I have to walk all the way to the stables(I hate running, it just doesn't seem right to run everywhere), wich sucks, it's to fricking slow(a mod will solve this hopefully) or fast travel, wich also sucks. I prepare my own food, my own potions, I make my own armours and weapons, I sleep when I'm in towns durring the nights, not so much when I'm exploring. My characters are quite different at first, but I notice that as they get "older" they all seem to look alike. Edited by Pushkatu
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I don't like rushing the quests, especially not the mainquest, cause before you know it, you've been thrown at a big chunk of lore or information and you have no idea how it's connected. I like to "understand" the whole storyline, I just hate it when I talk to someone and I have no clue what she or he is talking about, especially if my character can ask a question about it like she actually "knows" about it aswell. That's why I take things slow. So I take a few quests at a time, try to keep my misc, side and main quests limited, cause else I'll prolly just end up wondering where the hell it came from - well, especially the misc quests.


I only use fast travel to cities if my bags are nearly full - damn these dragon bones!. Imo, there are too many random encounters on and off the roads that you miss out on if you use fast travel all the time. I told my boyfriend this but he said "Well if it's THAT important you'll end up meeting them anyway". Yeah, well, I don't think so. :P So I always am eager to roam the wilderness or stay on the roads, I've had some pretty random, funny or dangerous encounters by doing that, just awesome.


And I don't steal anything, pickpocket anything, no evil guilds, yeah, I know, sounds boring! :P I'm a goodiegoodie. I just cba having lots of crime-stats, I like it when people look up to me in cities. But imperials, bandits and other scum, hell, they shall die by my bow!


I read all books I find, really read, not just open them and hope for a skill-up. Some stories are actually really awesome, others give you a nice perspective on the current events going on in Tamriel. Awesome job.


Guess that's it.

Edited by Roxian
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Yeah, I forgot about books, I also enjoy reading them. Many are quite good and before you know it you're spending a lot of time reading. Most of the time I rent a room(still haven't got my own house yet), go to my room, sit down on a chair and start reading the books I have found in my recent adventures. What I don't like, is the fact that they have separated the skill books from the non-skill ones. So it's a lot more easy to find them now. They are almost all of the time placed alone, even if there are other books around, it feels just like someone's telling me, read THAT ONE YOU FOOL, IT WILL INCREASE YOUR SKILL!! We are not idiots Bethesda, c'mon... :rolleyes: I remember back in Morrowind and even in Oblivion, that finding such a book was a nice surprise. We had to search an entire shelf or bookstore to find that one book(sometimes a couple more), anyway I'm having a great time reading all these little stories within them, so GG Bethesda, nice effort on your part!
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Its good to see that there are so many different play styles. I too have my own and from reading this forum, I now have more to think about as I play. I have found my play style changing more and more as I play. I've played marrowind and oblivion. Loved both. Skyrim has some of the feel to it that I felt in marrowind and I love that. As an rpg that is as it implies "a role playing game". But the end is that it is for all of us "entertainment" and we all will play in the manner that best makes the game for us. I am glad that so many did share the style in which they play. I may just start over (for the second time). This game is awsome TKS all!
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Only immersion I do in TES jack of all trades game like Skyrim is limit the skills that fit the class.


As an example, a Theif Rogue class should never be a blacksmith or use any weapon aside from daggers and bows

Pure mage should not wear anything higher than clothe.....





In a game of this nature I could put it on master difficulty, throw huge fireballs to pull a mob to me, tank it a bit with my full Plate, and finish it off with a 2h axe. Not much challenge playting this style but to each their own, haha

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