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My feet somke too much


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No i'm not high, neither my feet despite what the title may made think about.


I just have a strange bug. My character'es feeyt smoke for real. As if it were breathing real hard.

Here is a pic, I hope you can help because i feel like i'm going to get angry ^^





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Have a nice day !

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What armour are you using? are there any enchantments on your boots? (sounds stupid i know but it might be it). Is you character a vampire or perhaps contracted some disease? Check that out too.

No, i just went to the shrine of talos to cure any diseases but nothing happened, i have an elven armor health generator increaser, and the boots are from the Dark Borthrehood. No i play no vampire.

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Now this is strange. With all the topics on 'feet', I think this is a first. well...ummm..ok, when you're hot, you're hot? :unsure:


Sorry, could not resist. Anyway, I'm gonna be watching this one, very interesting. :biggrin:


edit: at the risk of asking a really stupid question...what happens when you take the boots off? does it stop?

Edited by BarefootWarrior
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