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Deactivating Hearthfire? and other stuff


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Hi. i want to "reset" my lakeview manor house and as far as i know i will need to deactivate hearthfire and activate it again. the question is..... will there be very bad consequences if i do it? will my game be really messed up?will i regret it for the rest of my life?i dont think past saves wont work coz it was too far already.

anyway, im doing this for a mod that gives me 6 child beds. yep... just for the sake of that :)


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I remember reading something that said to remove all your stuff from containers before disabling Hearthfire (or you will lose it), from a readme perhaps, but I can't remember where. Perhaps it was on the Bethesda news site when it announced the DLC. I just don't remember any more than that. I don't see a readme in the data folder.

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