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Too dumb for scripting


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today I tried to make my first steps in scripting with papyrus.

In Oblivion and Fallout3/NV scripting was very easy for me but now I'm about to surrender :confused:


I don't find the error in this little script, maybe I forgot something elemental


The Script should be used on a hood. On Unequip another hood should be equiped if the player got "HighwaymanCuirass" equiped. I didn't use this condition because I also don't know how to use it.

Maybe someone could show me how the script really should look like



Scriptname HighwaymanScript extends ObjectReference

Event OnEquipped(Actor Player)()
Game.GetPlayer().AddItem(HighwaymanHoodLow, 1, true)
Game.GetPlayer().EquipItem(HighwaymanHoodLow, true)

Event OnUnequipped(Actor Player)()
Game.GetPlayer().RemoveItem(HighwaymanHoodLow, 1, true)



Thanks Trestor

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[spoiler]Scriptname HighwaymanScriptArmor Property HighwaymanHoodLow AutoEvent OnEquipped(Actor Player)Game.GetPlayer().AddItem(HighwaymanHoodLow, 1, true)Game.GetPlayer().EquipItem(HighwaymanHoodLow, true)EndEventEvent OnUnequipped(Actor Player)Game.GetPlayer().RemoveItem(HighwaymanHoodLow, 1, true)EndEvent[/spoiler]

Still get a lot of errors

Edited by Trestor
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Things to check:

1. Did you forget to extend a script on the last version or was that copy paste error?

2. Have you unpacked the scripts.rar file found in your Skyrim > Data folder? If not, the Creation Kit is throwing errors because it cannot find the source scripts for the functions being called upon. Simply extract the contents to the same folder. If you have SKSE scripts installed directly in your Data folder, you'll need to re-install as you'll end up overwriting them when you extract the scripts.rar. Or simply say no to any requests to overwrite.


If you still get errors in compilation after doing that, please post the compiler errors.

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Things to check:

1. Did you forget to extend a script on the last version or was that copy paste error?

2. Have you unpacked the scripts.rar file found in your Skyrim > Data folder? If not, the Creation Kit is throwing errors because it cannot find the source scripts for the functions being called upon. Simply extract the contents to the same folder. If you have SKSE scripts installed directly in your Data folder, you'll need to re-install as you'll end up overwriting them when you extract the scripts.rar. Or simply say no to any requests to overwrite.


If you still get errors in compilation after doing that, please post the compiler errors.


it was a copy paste error. now the compilation succeded

thanks for your help

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