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Material not applying to mesh

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I am retexturing the Plasma gun to appear rusting and old. So far I have the receiver, as well as flamer and spin muzzle attachments.


Now I am working on the magazine, and sad to say it is not behaving!


I have edited diffuse, normal, and specular DDS files for the plasma cartridge, used materials editor to combine these into a material, and assigned the mesh the material in NifSkope. This process worked 3 times for the other 3 parts I have retextured, but suddenly is not working for the plasma cartridge. What gives??


It feels like some kind of archive invalidation thing, like the textures are stuck on the old neon green ones instead of my replacements.


Edit: What I am trying to do, is replace the green specular parts of the cartridge with plain metal, like the rest of the model.

Edited by mkborgelt13
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Sound like there is a rule for it that wins over you mesh edit. Tried doing a material swap?


It's this one one right? AmmoPlasmaCartridge "(Ammo) Plasma Cartridge" [AMMO:0001DBB7] . Using model: Ammo\Plasma\PlasmaCellMagazine.nif?


I'm looking at it and there is 3 meshes for it and 2 materials so I'd say go with the material swap and skip editing the mesh.


*spends 20 mins digging through plasma cells entries in fo4edit*


Ok there is a shitload of mods and materials so nevermind what I said. Can you do a texture replacement? All the materialfiles I could find all point tot the same three texture files so editing them to your liking using the vanilla path should be enough. Unless there are even more materials that point to some other textures that look similar.


Here are some of the nifs i could locate. Think I'm way too tired for this so I'm gonna stop confusing you and hope you manage to piece it together :)









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Thanks for the feedback!


yeah, that's the one. There are 3 meshes that I know of : one for the loose ammo item, and 2 for the magazine inserted into the gun. I have made new textures, assigned these textures to a material, and applied this material to each of the 3 meshes. But still no luck.


Frustrating because I am basically done with plasma but these cartridges are holding me back! :(

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