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My Day today..


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7am of Last Seed,


Eebowai the Khajiit thief swings his mighty dagger and delivers an astonishing blow to the chickens head.. GUARDS!! They all yell.. but before they can approach Eebowai disappears into the forest surrounding the tiny village.


After catching some salmon and butterflys the Almighty Eebowai using his skill in sneak picks himself some lavenders and makes his way down the hill. A man standing in the distance.. no ..wait.. it’s a fellow Khajiit. Hello Buddy guy he screams as he races towards his own kind. A HA! From nowhere out jumps an assassin. Eebowai lets out a Manly girlish scream and runs around in circles screaming no, no, no, no! until enough is enough. Eebowai backs up and waits for his attackers mistake in combat.. there it is.. Eebowai Leaps forward and Kicks the assassin in the face with his fist! Take tha.. no damage?. RUN AWAY!!


Taking refuge inside a friendly inn he is welcomed by the local villager “You’re kind is not welcome around here!”


What a strange tongue these villages speak, their greetings are all backwards.


Eebowai explores the inn.. NO WAY! Look at that awesome dagger on the table.. but if I take it I will be in trouble.. he picks up the couldron sitting on the floor and places it on the inn keepers head. AHA! I outwitted you old man.


He reaches for the dagger and.. GUARDS!.. huh, what?


Oh hai I did not see you in the corner buddy.. RUN AWAY!!


Later we find out hero venturing towards his goal, marked by his compass when.. MAMMOTHS! No way!


Eebowai races towards them for a look but they are not so pleased to see him.


I know!, I'll extend a warm greeting and show that I mean no harm… BAM take that, arrow to the head..


For some reason these overgrown creatures did not take kindly to Eebowais greeting. They charge him to reveal a Giant hiding behind them…RUN AWAY.. but he has no stamina.. a Tusk to the head.. Eebowai is down.. he has just enough enegery to stand.. oh look.. the giant is here to say hello… KA-BAMMMM.


I believe i can fly... What beatufiul view.

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