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Going with both the blades and the greybeards.


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I have been looking into how to go with the retarded Blades and annoying Greybeards, Currently I killed then resurrected Paarthurnaxx so i can still go to him for advice, but I cannot change my "Study Word?". I am also unsure how this will affect the main quest if at all. Now all I need to do is find a way for Arngeir to talk to me and to continue to give me quests.


I have been searching through the command menu, and have yet to find the correct command, if anyone has any idea's I would really apricate the help. I am unsure if i need to change a setting to my or his relationship or faction, or if i need to respawn him entirely; there are many different possiblities.

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You can either join the blades for dragon hunting quests or the greybeards for help finding the words. There's not a way to do both. Though Out of the two the greybeards are more useful as dragons can be forced spawned by fast traveling repeatedly. Words on the other hand are much harder to find unless you're one of those types who likes to explore. But frankly shouts in and of themselves are pretty lame if you bother to learn some magic spells.
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I didn't even know that the greybeards are supposed to give you quests to find words, and didn't know that the blades help you find dragons.

On my first playthrough (stopped at lvl 52) I found 42 shouts and 46 dragons without their help.

I mean, the map symbols totally give it away, nearly every tomb has a word wall, every dragon symbol has a word wall and a dragon, etc.

(there's also that one evil dragon symbol that had 2 elder dragons and a dragon priest AT ONCE, hardest fight in the whole game for me)

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You can either join the blades for dragon hunting quests or the greybeards for help finding the words. There's not a way to do both. Though Out of the two the greybeards are more useful as dragons can be forced spawned by fast traveling repeatedly. Words on the other hand are much harder to find unless you're one of those types who likes to explore. But frankly shouts in and of themselves are pretty lame if you bother to learn some magic spells.


I have a neat little strategy actually... Basically, use the Greybeards to find all of your words, when they stop helping, kill Paarthunax (sp?) and join up with the blades and do their little recruiting quests... Eventually Esben gives you a potion for giving him dragon scales and dragon bone that gives you a permanent +25% melee mitigation vs dragons (really nice to have if you're wearing paper armor).

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