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Stand alone gun creation tool


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Hi All


I'm completely new to this forum so please forgive me if this question/request has been done to death.


I used to mod in Borderlands 2 alot, and it couldnt of been simpler. I used A program called Gibbed editor, here: http://www.se7ensins.com/forums/threads/gibbeds-save-editor-revision-256.862789/

With this I was able to custom created every gun, grenade, etc etc to fire whatever projectiles I wanted, I could change damage multipliers by adding different gun parts and so forth. You get the idea.


Is there a similar program around that I can use to create my own guns and grenades etc in this game?






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He's referring to the creation kit, the official tool for modding Bethesda games. I think you could use "Fallout 4 Edit", a smaller, unofficial tool that should be able to make certain edits to damage values and such. Not sure how much you could do with effects though. To use the CK, you need a PC copy of Fallout 4 and the time necessary to learn how to navigate it.

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