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Whats your favorite enemy to kill


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Well there seems to be a 'what's your favorite' for everything, but as far as I could tell from the search engine this is a new one (apologies if I'm mistaken)



For me it would have to be these little buggers....





Theres just something about killing them (Fallen Ones) by the dozen that just seems fun. Before you ask, yes i did waste 10 minutes running back and forth with these guys just for this post... :blink:

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I love to block then attack ... Medieval feel~


lol - Thats why i didn't like the 'timed' block of deadly reflex mod (which is otherwise great). The whole point of big heavy shields is to hide behind them, wait for the right time and land a nice hard hit right where it counts....

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My favorite to kill is guards. In my last killing spree I actually killed so many of them that I think two of my mods broke (Beautiful People and Younger Hotter NPC's). After I killed every guard in every town thrice over, the respawning replacements kept getting uglier and uglier until eventually their skin was not even the right color.
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My favourite target would be anyone who can't see me :whistling:


There's something about getting a sneak attack with a bow that has a poison on it that is irresistable, especially a poison i make myself with the good old mortar and pestle. :devil: tehehe

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