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Turian Race from Mass Effect


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In the spirit of Mass Effect, an amazing game, I was wondering if there was anyone out there who was up to a challenge of creating the Turian race and adding it into the game. In mass effect, the Turians were biotics, which would translate to magic experts in Oblivon. I do realize that this would be very difficult, but from some of the amazing work I've seen done in this community, I wouldn't doubt its possibility for a second. I think a lot of people would like to see this done, since Mass Effect was such a great, but unfortunately short game. I recommend it to anyone who hasn't played it, the characters feel so alive and the choices you have to make really weigh on your conscience, an effect no other game has had on me. I know that someone here can take this challenge, and I think it would be a great addition to the website.



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It would help alot if you would send a picture or something in case of someone takes up your request.

That is, if they haven't played Mass Effect (which I would, if only Bioware didn't made it for XBox... I hope they'll port it soon...)

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