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Just out of interest - your playtime count


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Its now ten days that this game is out - and i am thinking i am playing it too much.


Time to get myself a pure conscience by asking more freaky guys than me for their WOTL (waste-of-time-level)



Mine is 54 hours played yet -


More than 5 hours daily average. There would be other important things to do instead as well... ;)

Edited by di55ec7i0n
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Around 40 hours, if I count the time I spent reading these forums and installing some mods. It's still Skyrim related. :armscrossed:
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85 hours currently on one character. Jarl in all but 3 holds, completed the war and mages guild questlines, about mid way through the main quest, not touched the companions, bards, or dark brotherhood, barely started thieves guild. Completed like 8 or 9 daedric quests and a whole mess of other ones. By my figuring, I'll probably go through most by about the 120 hour mark except for some of the stuff that was invalidated by progressing the war in one direction. And I'm pretty much sprinting through most of the game cheating as I feel.
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