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Just out of interest - your playtime count


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Steam says 143 hours. But, it also counts the time the SkyrimLauncher is open, and when I've taken a break or and hit esc to pause the game. I've left the launcher or pause menu open for many hours, including going to bed and leaving it running, or going to work and not closing the game. I need to stop doing that haha. Adding the hours of both my characters to a total, I'm a little over 98 hours, and add another hour or two "technically" from the lost game time from the times I've died, or random game crashes to desktop. Edited by natelovesyou
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On 56, on same Bosmer I started with. Feeling the ADD a bit, have way too many active quests. I've more or less ignored the main questline. I sortof feel bad about that, but... ah well, the Nords aren't exactly friends with the elves right? Let 'em burn.
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I'm on 54 hours. I'm at level 18 or 19, I forget. I did the main quest and a few small side quests but have not done any quests to join up for any guilds yet except the college mage test.

I've explored a lot of caves, dungeons, small towns and forts. But collecting dragon Shouts is my main objective now and just trying to find the places the quests are seem to be the most challenging thing for me right now. I'm really good at getting lost and going in circles. I've learned it's actually quicker for me just to follow a path in the direction of the quest, even if it goes out of the way..instead of trying to create a short cut that just leads me to a huge unclimbable mountain or a ridiculously high, jagged cliff that seems to take me straight to my destination but some how I only manage to get close to it without being able to actually "discover" it.

So, that's taken up a good portion of my time.


Oh, same character. Haven't even thought about making a new character.

Edited by Pineapplerum
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My steam shows 0 hours, because I keep it offline mode all the time. Anyway, 60% of achievements are done and i have played Skyrim more than 5 hours every day since release. Wild guess: 60 hours.


edit: Save games ofcourse show time, most played is 25 hours, then there is 19 hours save and two characters with 9 hours then one with 2 hours = total 64 hours, i guessed pretty well earlier.

Edited by raatorotta
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