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Skyrim patch downloading right NOW (pc)


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Really? ...

How come every guy and their dog knows how pirating and cracked games work, but not developers?

Patching something in steam will do nothing for the piraters. Why? Because most of the times they do not use steam!


"If it is made by man, it can be broken by man" - a small quote I read somewhere, which I find perfectly logical. Self-learned crackers are 25 times better than the code monkeys Valve or Bethesda got. Heck, these guys does this for fun! There is nothing a game studio can do to avoid a game being cracked.


Jeez, and people wonder why we go pirate? When WE get screwed over, not the guys getting it craced?

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I find it ridiculous, that I had to manually disable Steam and the overwrite my executable with one from another person to be even able to play game I bought.


Beth and Steam did freaking good job today, like really slapping pirates to the face, from a blow like this, the pirates will not recover for years.



Edited by elvinkun
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Comedy gold. Beth is completely out of touch by doing this or allowing this to happen.


I've got a pro-tip for any Bethesda guys who might be lurking. Pirated downloads do not translate into lost sales. Not even close. The majority wouldn't have bought it anyways. This sort of punitive attempt to stifle pirating is as poorly executed as the release version of this game. It is one thing to release an enjoyable product that is riddled with bugs and occasionally unplayable. It is another thing completely to release a patch that brings zero enjoyment to the player base, and then IT actually breaks the game for many of your customers.


I purchased Arena, Daggerfall, Morrowind + expansions, Oblivion + expansions and Skyrim. Try not to forget that we just want to play your games and we are happy to pay for them. What we're not happy to do is tolerate your hamfisted pathetic attempts to curb piracy that HAS NO DISCERNABLE IMPACT ON PIRACY, and just screws us over.


Seriously wake up.

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