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Better Magic (Scale Damage like Weapons, based on Skill)


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What about making Magic a little bit better and improve the damage, time and other effects with your skill level? Like weapon damage? And maybe adjust the perks too. There are some mods out there to improve magic, but they all give a flat bonus and just adjust the perks. Damage should be more or less like weapon damage (with smithing and enchanting!) or a little bit better, because you get killed faster :)


What do you think?

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No one likes that idea?


I do.

What's the incentive to level up if you kill just as proficiently at skill level 5 as you do at skill level 100? Perks? Sure, but there's only 1 perk that increases the weapon damage.

Leveling only makes it harder because weapon damage doesn't scale like enemy level does..


I tested this


Onehanded: 18, Imperial sword damage: 9

Onehanded: 100, sword damage: 12

So it does scale, 3 points...


I'd prefer it to be like, every 10 points, from 0 to 100, you gain +1(or 2) damage. Thus, from level 18 to 100, you deal 8(or 16) more damage, making the imperial sword hurt for 17(or 25) damage.


Also, character level plays no part in weapon damage.

Edited by DeadxPixels
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As far as I know, weapon damage also does not scale with skill level.


Yeah it does. For example I had a weapon that was 460ish at 91 skill and it jumped to around 480 at 100 skill.


Magic needs an extra punch to compete with weapons though. I think spells should do sneak attack damage also, at least x2 damage on an unsuspecting opponent,

Edited by Beriallord
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