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Body Slide not working with Racemenu (NMM user)


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Hi everyone so im new to skyrim and I wanted to download Bodyslide for a bigger variety on my female character costumization but I wasnt able to make it work.Let me explain:

I have the steam version of the game
I use nexus mode manager
I have SKSE
I installed Racemenu and Bodyslide
-The first time I installed Bodyslide I went with the CBBE version of the models
So I opened my Bodyslider exe in its folder,I did all the steps in this video
and opened my game to see the results(i have the save to where you can costumize the character in the beggining) so all I see is the Vanilla version of the female model,with all the sliders from racemenu and bodyslide but the Bodyslider ones dont work however I move them

I tried reinstalling everything using the method in this video:

but I still have the same results.Default Vanila model,visible sliders,but completly useless

Thanks in advance for the help.
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Ok I was able to read it and find what I was looking for(apparently I missed doing a manual part) BUT
Now I can fix my characters body with the layer only if she is naked,if she has any type of clothing on she is with the game's default bodytype.I tried to fix it by downloading the UNP armor replacer mod,considering the fact that I went with the UNP style of models(instead of CBBE).But when I finally installed them the only thing I get is a skympier version of the clothes (wich is not a problem) but they still put my character with the body type I did not customize.
ALSO now my character has invisible wrists and fingers regardless of what she is or is not wearing :(

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Have you tried the Button Batchbuild in your Bodyslide Menu? It will overwrite our custom and vanilla clothes and armor, it helps me a lot. Maybe thats the problem. And activate the Morph Plugin :3

If you do that, you should be able to change your bodytype and parts of it, while your character is wearing smthg.

Edited by xXKitsuneXx
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Ok I was able to read it and find what I was looking for(apparently I missed doing a manual part) BUT

Now I can fix my characters body with the layer only if she is naked,if she has any type of clothing on she is with the game's default bodytype.I tried to fix it by downloading the UNP armor replacer mod,considering the fact that I went with the UNP style of models(instead of CBBE).But when I finally installed them the only thing I get is a skympier version of the clothes (wich is not a problem) but they still put my character with the body type I did not customize.

ALSO now my character has invisible wrists and fingers regardless of what she is or is not wearing :sad:


The mesh for any given outfit will usually include a body shape. This means that if you put on a piece of armor which contains its own body shape and that shape doesn't match your custom body mod, then the outfit will automatically modify your character's body to be that shape when you equip it.


Make sure that the armors you're using have actually been converted to whatever body type you want. Also make sure that any body textures you're using were designed for the body type (e.g. don't use CBBE textures for UNP-based body meshes) - that should help you with the invisible wrists and fingers.

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Note that only BodySlide/UUNP-compatible outfits will work with BodySlide/UUNP. CBBE has a whole list of compatible mods for the base bodies and BodySlide; I don't believe anyone ever made a comparable list for the UNP/UUNP bodies. So, as you're using UUNP instead of BodySlide, you'll have to do your own searching for UUNP-compatible stuff.

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