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What does this error mean


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Hi, I cant help u very much cause i do the 2.49b thing it works for me. I do like 2.77 but havent used the nifscripts on it much Tho they say it works good for skyrim.


It would be a good idea for you to add what game ur nif is from.


Also describe nif or upload the nif and blend.

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The nif is a cobbled together set of armour that I am trying to remove clipping from w/ blender, none of the pieces I used are my assets so I am really reluctant to upload them.


I removed the other meshes so I am just left with a shirt made by dragbody, I also have tried exporting it with and without the vanilla skeleton, I am still getting the same error.


I add some screen shots to the post.

Edited by BfreeNation
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Its a fallout 3 /nv nif.

It has alot of bogus nodes on the nif.(bone with no vertex influence.)

I do not know the explicit meaning of cobbling together.

nitristrips node is nammed funny for a shirt.

In blender its bigger than supposed to be.

You are using blender 2.77

When you export it u need to export with the bones also, the bones are not a skeleton tho. They just say what bones correspond to the skeleton. U can see they do not point in directions or have a hierarchy.


I recommend u install blender 2.49b and the nifscripts for that version. not sure what version of nifskope u are on.

I think version 1.1.0 is probably good.


Fallout 3 and nv is same engine. The niftools for fallout 3 is very good at working. You have really no benefit and possibly loss of compatibility for using more recent versions.

Niftools remade the nifscripts for the new blender versions and its not supporting every game, its all i know about that really.


Anyway nifscripts 2.5.9 for blender2.49b is having excellent support for fallout 3.

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Okay, I did as you said and used the older version, I am not getting errors anymore, however, the model does not show up in the CK/Geck.


I have tried just importing and exporting a vanilla armour in blender to test it, the model still does not show up in the Ck/geck, it is invisible.


Here are screenshots of my import/export settings http://imgur.com/a/k6umK


To further test it, I exported the veteran ranger armour through blender, here are screenshots of the result in the geck and the nifskope view of the exported version. http://imgur.com/a/Mb1KR

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I have been working on it some more, and I have managed to get atleast the body of the ranger outfit I am testing to appear in the geck, I did this by setting the Shader Flags to SF_Specular, SF_Skinned, SF_FaceGen, SF_Remappable_Textures, and SF_ZBuffer_Test. however, it is completely black.


How do I add colour back to the model on the geck? it still appears fine in nifskope, here are screenshots of the bsshaderpplightingproperty and also what the ranger armour looks like in geck: http://imgur.com/a/976ZU


I tried downloading nifskope 1.1.0 however, there is only the source code available in the older version on niftools website.

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