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I guess you are meaning that the skin body is coming through the surface of the shirt.

The shirt is the torso region the biped slot that takes up the body nif. U put the body nif in there and it replaces the naked body whne u wear it. If you dont want that, say u have a pants that has the body already. U can put em together or maybe there is a biped slot to use that doesnt replace body. I dont remember all everything been some years.



What u do is. after imported the shirt nif. delete the bones,

Delete every vertex group of the shirt.


import the naked body nif with bones. Or pants body with bones . whatever u were gonna do.

edit mode edit shirt geometry for cleanly covering the body where its supposed to.

object mode select shirt and shift select body go in 3d menu mesh ->scripts ->bone weight copy. and use to copy vertex groups for each bone and it approximately copies the weights to the shirt veritces. It also will make the dismemberment group BP_TORSO on the whole shirt.


Shirts for male without bouncing boobs is easy bone weight copy script should have excellent result.

Harder skins, especially gloves and skirt you want to use more advanced technique. its god to import skeleton.nif with animation attached to test skinning in blender, you can do manual weightpainting.


So if you are trying to make the shirt mix matchable with other outfits that are on body replacer slot u export shirt alone. otherwise you can edit the body mesh to remove geometry that is occluded by shirt. It is good on performance and can avoid a clipping on an extreme pose.


Control a for apply scale and rotations for object data on all ur objects. make sure the each object is parented to scene root bones. control p to parent em.


I think your good to go now. export the nif and test ingame.


Oh yeah for nif that has a body on it you are going to want to nifskope em to take just the skin part and make it have the skin shader flags. take example from existing nif.

Edited by baduk
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