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[Fallout 4] Workshop Items - Navmesh on non-Square Objects


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Hi fellow mod authors,


I'm having some trouble with some specific navmesh shapes. I made a custom foundation for my Fallout 4 mod, but the probleme is, before i dig deeper in this kind of exotic shapes, i would like to know if any of you has attempted to do similar thing and if there is a known solution.


Here is a screenshot of the foundation with it's navmesh so you know what you are looking at bellow.





- - - - Navmeshed Areas

- - - - Unreachable Areas


Exemple 01 :


The foundation is on the ground, the NPC can't enter the red area.




Exemple 02 :


Two foundation are snaped side by side, the NPC can't go through the red lines.




Exemple 03 :


Same issue as in the second exemple but with the foundation connecting by the other side.




Exemple 04 :


When connected by their "straight" side, the NPC can go through no issues.




Exemple 05 :


When connected to a squared shape, the NPC can go through no issues.




So i hope the images explain the issue a lot better than a long ever lasting text. What i would like to do is allow the NPC to go trough every situation with success.


Any idea and/or insight will be deeply appreciated.


Regards, 5like.


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The tolerance in the area outside the navmesh on statics is very strange... when I look at the objects beth made they usually have about 0.5-1.5 units to the edge. How u can tell that in CK I don't know... It's really tricky to get the NPCs to walk over some objects navmeshed and snapped together. Have in my mods sooo many and always some that are a complete mystery.


AKA following this subject.. ;)

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In CK, the margin you left is more of a wildguess than anything at this point.


I think overlaping Navmeshes ar not an issue anyway, it's more to tell the settlers don't fall of that platform.


I didn't try to do a full rectangle yet in order to avoid NPC's jumping of the foundation, but i'll give it a try to check if i'm correct about overlaping.

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Overlapping is a big issue for me. Even if it's high above. For instance I have a staircase with a floor attached. If I put that somewhere the npcs won't go under it at all.

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Ok so results of the "Full navmeshed shape" are kinda surprising ...




Exemple 01 :


The foundation is placed high, the NPC can't enter the "triangle section". But if placed real close to the ground he can go in no issue.




Exemple 02 :


Two foundation are snaped side by side, the NPC can go through ! Overlaping Navmeshes isn't an issue in that case.




Exemple 03 :


Same as above with the foundation connecting by the other side, the NPC can go through ! Overlaping Navmeshes isn't an issue in that case.





Also, it's surpising to note, that the NPC's will not jump of the foudation as i initially thought, they will use the stairs instead.


Kinda wird indeed, i'll run some more tests, as there still the first exemple to solve, and the fact that NPC's do not go under the foudations at all when placed high enough.

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Interesting! What stairs do u use? Vanilla ones? I'm having huge problems with stairs and for the NPC to move from the stair to the floor above it. Had to merge the stairs and the floors for consistent behaviour. But then the other problem mentioned above appeared instead. It's quite big stairs tho... In my Snappy Housekit mod u can see it if ur interested. Same thing with smaller steps. If I add them to a floor all is OK. But when putting a wall with doorway over it they have a hard time going past it. Don't know if should navmesh the threshold for the doorway or not. Tried both but with mixed success.
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I feel your pain, i have been fideling arround for two days straight and i have reached the conclusion that navmeshes, AI and bhkNPCCollision does'nt want to give you an easy time.


Anyway, i do use vanilla stairs indeed. The trick is that you have to place the snap node just on spot otherwise the NPCs will stuck themself. Also on my specific shape, there is still one spot i can't get them to use properly and it is on the bottom halph of both sides (where the navmesh exeeds the platform the most).





Oh! The doorways ... I ended up looking at what vanilla do and did it my way instead, the good news is, it kinda work. I just exeeded the 'selection box' of my model both ways so the NPC will detect it. It's not perfect though, but vanilla ones aren't either so ...




I stopped finalising after a while due to inconsistent results. Re-did every navmeshes without finalising. Didn't use find covers at all, but i guess it could work with wall detection, i'll have to give it some try.

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I found an even better solution for the doorways, but i'm not sure anybody is ready for it ... Navmesh the area you dont want your NPC to go ! It just work ! ... Now i'm confused.

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