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Need Fallout 3 Mods


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I am 13bravo13 and I had made a bunch of guard mods for Fallout 3.I recently had to replace my hard drive that had these mods and other things on them.The drive was a complete loss as was all my data.I am looking for anyone who may still have these guard mods to please send them to me or I am willing to have you upload them to the nexus.The biggest loss was my Fort Springvale mod which took over the school,super duper mart,greyditch,and hamiltons' hideaway.THe other mods lost were Brotherhood guards for the library,Brotherhood outcast base guards,guards for the republic of Dave e.t.c.I appreciate any help with this.Any modder who has lost data knows what a pain it is to try and start over.I put a lot of time into these and do not wish to start over.

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To qwertyzeldar:I had pulled the mods with the intent of tweaking them and rereleasing them.I was in the process of acquiring a back up drive when the one I had was locked out.I don't know the exact virus or malware that infected my computer but it effectively locked out my hard drive.I lost personal files(photos,videos,mods).I know there were several hundred downloads of each mod.It is my hope that someone out there still has them.


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