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Would this be a feasible way to rename interior cells ingame?


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I posted this in Skyrim Mod talk a few days ago, but it quickly got buried with no replies.


Obviously I know the CK has yet to be released but I have been thinking about some ideas. I was thinking of any possible way to have the player rename an interior cell (their house, for instance) to whatever they'd like.


Were there such functions in Oblivion, or OBSE (that's likely to be in Skyrim's API), to retrieve the name of an item and rename an interior cell?


I was thinking of making a simple item, a "token". The token would be enchantable and you'd simply take it to the enchanting altar, enchant it, and rename it to what you want your house name to be. Using a function, in pseudocode,


String Name = Token.GetName()
MyInteriorCell.SetCellName Name
Player.removeitem Token 1



In New Vegas, we had SetCellName but that can only set the cell's name to a title text of a message.



GetPlayerName - Opens the player name menu. - Would this automatically overwrite the Player's current name?


I've yet to see a mod that does this.

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Actually, in FO3 and NV they didn't have any player nameable objects.

The only text entry field they had was the player name.


But yes, I was also thinking of a way to rename things.


1) In FO3 Arcoolka renamed the Village Fast Travel marker. (Johnny's Village)

2) In Skyrim, your pet/thrall has your name. (Johnny's Vampire)

3) In Skyrim, NPC pets also have a possesive name. (Vampire's Draugr)


So, i'm crossing my fingers and hoping I can figure out a way.

Edited by ripvanwinkle111
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So far, none of these games have had support for storing of strings in scripts. The way summoned names work is a hard-coded aspect related to the summon spell, rather than a soft scripted one. There is a variable which can be used for those cases <charname> but this is also a hardcoded variable that relates only to the player's name. The renaming of things through enchanting is also probably a closed system. Since there aren't many functions which actually output a usable string, and none which store that string, changing a cell name in this way probably won't work so well unless there is actual support for strings in Skyrim scripting.
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