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Crafting / vendor services


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I don't know how feasible this is, but I've often lamented Skyrim's lack of crafting services, for those who don't want to use a certain skill. If I'm role playing, for example, I'm likely to have limitations on my character, so that I can learn and excel at one craft, maybe minor in another, but not be master of all. It would be interesting if, say I excelled in enchanting but not smithing, I could take my armor/weapon to a blacksmith, to be upgraded. Something like a dialog option with the merchant, where you trade the weapon/armor off to them, with a fee for fine, more for superior, even more for epic, etc., then get it back improved to that level.


Likewise, if I was a smith, I could take my newly-improved sword to an enchanter shop and have it enchanted, again with an increasing fee schedule, per level of enchantment strength. Can this sort of thing even be done, within the confines of this engine?

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