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Hotkey Mod


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I'm not a big fan of the "Favourite list" Q button crap.. I'm sure any self respecting PC user would agree with me..

why do i say PC user?... well it's because i think that particular system of selecting items/weapons/skills works great for consoles but is absolutely and utterly obsolete for PC gaming.. (this is of course entirely subjective)


And to be honest i would much rather have a few hotkey's clutter a small part of my screen, than to have to f*** around (i apologize for my french) with the damn mechanism of favouriting and (accidentally) unfavouriting of the hotkeys all the time.. this is just for simplicity sake. (i know about the 1 to 8 stuff, i just don't like it all that much)

This is really my only request, i don't care much about anything else because i think the game is just perfect as it is. (perhaps an "interface theme" mod wouldn't do harm, default black/white interface get's boring after a while)



Anyways i just made this quick with photoshop so it's nothing fancy, but you get the idea.. having something like this would greatly increase the game experience in my opinion.

Also, you could possibly make the hotkey light up when you press it and then the whole hotkeys windows dissappears after 2 seconds of not using it.. and of course reappear after pressing a hotkey again.. (just an idea)


Thanks for reading guys!

Edited by Disoblige
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It's too bad Bethesda hasn't learned anything from Bioware when it comes to UI. The bottom quick select bar in Dragon Age was perfect...

the reason for this is because bethesda decided to be lazy and create the game for all platforms without changing too much (nothing at all) about the interface.

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In addition to the ideas already mentioned I would propose that the actual hotkey slots have 2 'sub slots' if desired - left hand and right hand (if applicable to the items). The idea here is 1 hotkey press could swap your left and right hand.


Beyond this I would really like to see 'next weapon' and 'previous weapon' key binding commands which could be applied to the mouse wheel. The idea is that if you say next weapon and you are currently kitted with a weapon set bound to 1 and your next binding that is a weapon set is on 4, then when you next weapon it will be as if you are hitting 4. Likewise a previous weapon would go backwards. I tend to setup what I want to use and then use the mwheel in real time to scroll through the options I have designated..., think about Bethesda's favorites menu now and think how vexing it is for someone who usually switches weapons with a mouse wheel having to now open that blasted menu - oh and please don't mention the favorites menu key bindings cause those things are broken, especially if your dual wielding the same weapon stack.

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Yes for fixing hotkeys.

If you're using a shield or want something to stay in your left hand then you're kinda screwed over if you use hotkeys, because it always equips to your left hand first.

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I think the hot key system should be use "sets" kind of like pressing W in Diablo 2. 1, 2, 3, etc would activate a corresponding set that you could assign whatever weapons, spells, armour, etc that you want. This would let the player switch quickly between playstyles. The way the hotkeys are set up now is a really weak system that requires players to go into the inventory way too often. Edited by gmilalr
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