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Markath Bug HELP please!


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Hi Guys,


So I did the quest a while ago where you are approached by guards that give you crap about being suspicious or whatevr...


The you get arrested and go to Cidna mine... ok cool... then you talk to this Malacath dude and help him and his buddies the "Forlorn" escape.


So you go into the city and pwn some guards and make the escape. ok cool. quest completed apparently.


Problem is... I have a major bounty for helping those n00b forlorn dudes and I can't pay it off and I can't even go to jail even if I tell the guards to take me to jail...


After I tell them to take me to jail, the dialog option "so what's the problem" just pops up again and the conversation starts over. <--bug


The only thing that I can do is fight them... which I don't want to do... a whole city of dead guards kindof spoil it for me.


Is there a console command that I can execute so that my bounty is cleared and the guards can leave me the F alone? :wacko:

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After you've used the console to target a guard, enter the command paycrimegold



I just managed to get out of that bug... not sure the exact reason why...

I try various things such as:

1) going back in the silver mine after the forsworn quest was over and come back all the way... (no noticeable change)

2) then get out from Markarth through the entrance door and run to avoid the guards outside (my companion stay behind and fight them) and then encounter an guard (archer) near the farm outside Markarth, killed him

3) +1000 bounty message displayed

4) and then I tried paycrimegold.. and this time it works !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I tried this multiple times in Markarth before and it never works...

5) I was transported to the entrance of the mine and all the guards ignore me... and btw ... it seems I have not loose any money :thumbsup:


I tried to reproduce it doing exactly step 2,3,4 and it does not work again.

It seems that paycrimegold under some circumstances is working to clear the bug ... I have been lucky this time... :tongue:


In addition, after that... as soon as I commit a new crime in Markarth (even a minor one), the bug repeat itself.

Edited by dmig
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My husband's having the same issue. Unfortunately it's on the XBox, so no convenient counsel commands for us. Any suggestions as to how to fix this on the XBox?


If all else fails, you can go back to a previous save, or failing that a new game and on your next play through, don't do it.

Edited by pmw57
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My husband's having the same issue. Unfortunately it's on the XBox, so no convenient counsel commands for us. Any suggestions as to how to fix this on the XBox?

Try this (but you need to be a Stormcloak and be on the Stormcloak quest based in Markath) http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AgRAGkByESy9O9vZnQEyDlPsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20111114132314AAYalQU


I hope it helps.

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