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Settlement Additions


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I've looked throughout the Nexus and several pages of the forum and haven't seen this settlement feature.


Are there any wooden settlement walls with a doorway for interior rooms? The only one in game with a door has an overhanging roof which makes it impossible to put it inside a structure. Also there are no wood settlement walls with a window.


If there is already a mod that does this a link would be appreciated, as I can't find one on the nexus searching doorway, or doors. Same with the windowed flat wall. If not perhaps some talent can take up the call, as I can't imagine I'm the only one that would find this useful.




Since I've started a thread I've got another question, although not a request as there are already several mods that name settlers.


Is there some hardcoded reason why you can't name settlers like you can custom name weapons?


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Did you actually try looking through the crafting categories on the Nexus? Not sure how you could not find anything like that. It's filled with hundreds of mods like that.


Here are two that I have.

http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/6637/? - Works in interior settings but I find that npcs have a hard time navigating through it.


http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/10163/? - This one works a lot better and had all of the exact pieces I was looking for that should have been in the vanilla game from the very beginning.


If you look under the Crafting - Home/Settlement categories you will find even more mods that offer even more varieties including wooden walls with windows. If you ever do a search i would suggest using google. It tends to find things easier than the forum search engine. just make sure you put in the right keywords like "mod" and "FO4".

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