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"Showracemenu" - Warning


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So last week I decided I wanted to play around with my characters appearance a little bit. I used showracemenu from console as so many people have suggested. I ended up finding the hair I liked. Several hours later after all my existing saves were overwritten I realized that at some point all of my skill levels had changed. My archery which was 80+ was now 15. Which explains why everything took 10+ arrows to kill. Has anyone else had this happen? Their stats being reset to base as a result of using "showracemenu"?
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showracemenu is known to bug up skills.


I've had a skill get penalized down to 15 for no apparent reason aside from the obvious that it was a glitch, though the skill itself was still at 72, which was astonishingly enervating, essentially giving me wasted perks. It was remedied days of play later through a skill book, but by then I had completely built my character another way and it was essentially redundant now. I'm going to use the console to refund my perks out of it once I get the chance >:/

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So last week I decided I wanted to play around with my characters appearance a little bit. I used showracemenu from console as so many people have suggested. I ended up finding the hair I liked. Several hours later after all my existing saves were overwritten I realized that at some point all of my skill levels had changed. My archery which was 80+ was now 15. Which explains why everything took 10+ arrows to kill. Has anyone else had this happen? Their stats being reset to base as a result of using "showracemenu"?


That shouldnt happen if you just changed your appereance...your skills reset only when you change race...thats strange becouse i changed appereance lots of times and im now arround 80 hours to the game and nothing like that happened.

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  • 2 months later...

Yeah, not much you can do at this point.


Agree with others that only touching the race slider messes this up, as OP as said too.


I've heard that tgm (toggling into god mode) before using the race menu and then tgm again after can also lock in those values but haven't tried it.


Still, sounds too late for you now.

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Too late. The lesson is to make sure you have backups and multiple backups for times like these.


Anyways, just use the console commands to estimate yourself back to where you were. It'll take a bit of typing but isn't impossible.

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Whenever I use showracemenu, I make a save beforehand, then use tgm first to 'lock' my stats. It doesn't actually lock them (as you can still gain xp with tgm) but it does prevent your skills from being scrambled. A teltale sign of imminent stat-scramblage is if your character is doing the 'bound' pose á la character creation when in the race menu
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