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So far I have caught 3 diseases in Skyrim. Is there anywhere you can look to see what disease you caught. I know if you toggle the ESC key and select General it will tell you how many diseases you have caught but not what kind of disease. The only way I have found to know if you caught a disease is to open up your skills menu and see if either your Magicka, Healh or Stamina are in red numbers. One more note. I am a werewolf and according to the guide book cannot catch any diseases. Ya right.
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I had 'Brain Rot' and didn't even know it. In Whiterun the villagers would say..' You don't look well'. I had no clue at the time. Later on, I had something called 'Rock Joint'. I finally figured out where to look to see if I had a disease. In both cases, I found a shrine out in the wilderness to cure them. Too funny. :biggrin:
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Yeah, i only really clue into the fact i'm sick when someone comments about my face rotting or some such thing. I'm too busy running through the woods barefoot with the deer. I don't hunt the dear (had a traumatic/anthropomorphic moment involving deer in this game) but i just run to see if i can keep up.
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Become a Werewolf, it makes you immune to disease. or jsut drop by the temple every time your in town.


Nah. Tried being a werewolf and wasn't that impressed. I can stomp enemies without that "disease". ;)


I just buy every single potion of Cure Disease I can find.

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