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A dwemer gunship to fight dragons in mid-air


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The dwemer airship was one of my favorite mods in Oblivion and played an important role in one of my playthroughs.


The idea of fighting a dragon while airbound is quite appealing, but we still need to discover the limits of the new engine features to know if it's possible.

Edited by necKros
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I mentioned this in a thread called Skyrim Advanced Tech, about having airships posted outside each hold that would take you to each other hold(like the carraige) but later on you could buy it, upgrade it's crew/speed/health/weapons and manually pilot it. Perhaps have ship vs ship combat with AI owned ships. Don't even know if dragon behavior would need Modding, if you're near it should attack.
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I mentioned this in a thread called Skyrim Advanced Tech, about having airships posted outside each hold that would take you to each other hold(like the carraige) but later on you could buy it, upgrade it's crew/speed/health/weapons and manually pilot it. Perhaps have ship vs ship combat with AI owned ships. Don't even know if dragon behavior would need Modding, if you're near it should attack.
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