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Dress an NPC???


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Dear mod-makers,


I have growlfs hot clothes. I buy them and then I want to put them on NPC's/Companions.

But I can't, I can't find a single mod out there that just adds a simple spell to change the equipment on NPC's. So you can add/remove what they are wearing. Or even a mod to change their face in-game to alter the race/looks of an NPC. (Like ShowRaceMenu (Console))


I found a mod that adds a bride to oblivion, you can change the equipment of that bride only. So it is possible I guess. But I want to change equipment/outfit on all NPC's :-)


Does anyone know of a mod that can do this or can someone please make this? I think a lot of people would be very thankful!





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I think you can do it by 'stealing' their cloth and put your clothes in by go to the sneak mode and put your stuff in.

Never works for me though, the game system says I can't put things in container @_@

But the guide says so --a

Or you can change them one by one in the CS ;)

I did change the whole bandits into only female bandits with Rens Hair, and those bandits are cute now! ROFL

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You cannot steal currently equipped items, and reverse-pickpocketing is only applied for weightless items(that's why you can kill NPCs by putting poisoned apple in their pocket). You can put NPCs on by console command 'additem', 'equipitem'. for example:


1. Click 'Simplicia the Slow' in console mode.

2. type 'additem 352ba 1' to give her Russet felt outfit.

3. type 'equipitem 352ba', then press ` to out of console mode.

4. Now she'll wear russet felt outfit. :)


Or you can try a MOD called 'Companion Share and Recruit', if you don't feel to use console command.

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Thanks for you answer. Placing while stealing also does not work for me.


The only way I had was with the hillarity mod. First, cast failed leviate so they fall and die. Then remove their clothing and place the clothes you want them to wear. Next, cast ressurection, then instant fugitive, then dispel hillarity to activate those clothes on them. This is quite a pain in the ass to do. :rolleyes:


I just found this mod, maybe it can help me. http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=3066

I'll try it and let it know.

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Yes!!! The link I posted earlier worked for dressing NPC's. It's not perfects but it works. It adds a lot of other stuff but that's ok. Along with the help of others, this is the first time that I actually also helped myself on a forum.... :rolleyes:


But still, if anyone has a better idea or clean mod to do this I'll be very greatfull :wub: :banana:

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  • 2 weeks later...

He has never used companion share and recruit... wow is he in for a big happy surprise. Thats one of the best Mods I have ever found. You can literally dress everyone in a town in 100% better clothing. Then again, you can drag all the poor people off to dungeons and leave them to rot! LOL, Oh no, I killed Kenny, you male without a father!


Is it sad that I feed the poor to the hungry?

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