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The Q


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I definitely understand. I have different set of boots/gloves/ring/necklace for smithing/bowhunting/backstabbing/pickpocketing. Changing all that out is a pain, even with q. Maybe if you could have 2 or 3 "favorites" lists. But that might just end up more tedious that valuable.


I remember in diablo style games you could have two different armor/weapon/jewelry setups ready to go and switch between them with just a click. That would be nice.

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As to accusations of weight cheating, there are several ways to carry a lot of stuff legitimately. I have a pickpocket perk and use the magic stone bonus, together granting an extra 200 pounds and I have 3 different inventory items that allow extra weight, totaling another 70lbs or so.
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And yeah, the 1,2,3,4 ect system of oblivion was much much much much better


You mean, like, the SAME EXACT SYSTEM skyrim also has, in addition to the favorites menu?


And as said before, the issue is that you have a ton of stuff.


I like the 'q' menu. More convenient than going into menus, and not limited to 8 items.



Regarding weight, unless he is running around with 2 sets of heavy armor w/o the perk and a bunch of 2handers, weight isn't going to be an issue to simply carry what he listed.

Edited by Trey5511
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ooo-kkkkkk... And i'll ask this, what system would be better? The 0-10 hotkeys from Oblivion? F1-F12? You simply have way, WAY too many things on there for any system to work.


Wow seems to do ok with 50+ choices on your UI.

Not saying 3 rows of choices are good for everyone, but it sure would be nice to have it as an option.

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No ultimatly I would like to have is the ability to assign multiple equipment to say the Key 1 (Say I assign my full plater + 2h ect), to Key 2 I assign robe, lich hood and rings, to key 3 I assign a shield and a sword. SO I can switch to different sets with 1 click.


No I don't like the Q menu. It's a shame. I have always had different armors and weapons and spells in my games.


In a MMO I use to play I had over 5 different plate armors, 3 robes, 4 two handers, 3 staff as I was an evoker healer. I had around 8ish hotbars filled.

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