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[WIP] Tracker Armor; Comments/Criticism/Questions/Help Welcom


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This is an armor I've been working on. It's modeled after the Uruk-Hai scout armor in the Lord of the Rings trilogy.


EDIT: I should point out this was done in Blender 2.77, since I can't get Blender 2.59 working properly on my computer. I would need help from someone who has a working 2.59 setup to convert the file to .NIF format along with someone who can do textures. I'll attach a picture of the Lurtz Premium Format Statue from Weta/Sideshow for the color guide.


EDIT: Uploaded Blender file so people can download and edit armor:



Edited by maohur
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I'm glad you like it! Thanks for the kind words. I was actually thinking about shortening the skirt/duster because I wouldn't know how to add that. Also, the colors aren't final, they're supposed to look like the Lurtz Premium Format Statue from Weta/Sideshow.

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Well, it does look good, but I feel you could add more details to the glove and boots. It would also look much better if there was a standalone hood and mask that came with it, because masked rogues are awesome.

Edited by theaerain
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Thank you. One of the reasons I wanted to make an armor was because the floppy collar on the iron armor gets in the way of hoods/helmets and the clipping looks bad. I also disliked the fur elements on the iron armor because they lack cohesion with the rest of the armor set and are just unimpressive detail wise.
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