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BodySlide/RaceMenu(CBBE Morph) totally ineffective


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I'm using Mod Organizer and I've installed CBBE body, along with XP32 skeleton, HDT Physics Extensions, RaceMenu, then BodySlide and Outfit Studio.


It should be it, no other component required AFAIK, obviously got latest versions of SKSE and LOOT.


While installing BodySlide I've chosen the 'RaceMenu Morphs for CBBE' option in the 'RaceMenu plugin' section and the 'Pre-built CBBE HDT + Morphs' option in the 'Pre-built Morphable Bodies' section.


I've noticed my character body was pretty much like the standard CBBE Curvy body, so I tried to edit the sliders through the race menu UI, but all sliders in the body sections were set to 0 and any changes I made were ineffective.


Then I tried to use BodySlide to build some pre-sets (ticking the checkbox 'RaceMenu Morphs') outside of Mod Organizer like a noob, but then I've added the executable and been running it from MO till now (still unsure wether I should hold Ctrl while clicking on build, can't find info about that), yet to no avail.


I am also using the 'HDT Breast and Butt Physics' and 'I love Cleavage CBBE HDT' mods, and what I'm noticing is that my character's naked body seems to be unaffected by physics (no bouncing).




And that should be it, I've been googling for days but still haven't found a solution so I'm posting this here as other people's solved issues (albeit someone almost identical to mine, but the physics issue) couldn't help me out, sorry if this is actually a trivial issue but I'm loosing hope, and thank you in advance for your attention.

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Alright, I think I've better isolated the issue: the problem presents with custom races, so for the time being I've got rid of them


I've found this video that taught me about the 'Overwrite' thing at the bottom of the list and how to use it properly:



Everything seems to be working as intended, wether my character is naked or dressed, everything besides collisions at least.


I know it's OT, but I've searched around and it seems that I need some config file in .xml format for that, as it seems HDT physics don't come with one on its own?

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I guess you might be needing HDTPhyscisExtensionsDefault.XML? That's the file that runs the bounce. It's a SKSE extension, and different people provide different ones. Go with the one that matches the HDT body and meshes provider and the correct Groovetama skeleton edition.

In my Mod Organiser it is in HDT Physics Extensions/SKSE/Plugins. It is a SKSE Plugin. Don't know if that's what you are after?


It doesn't work using two HDT bodies together. "I love cleavage" is one body style - use only it and nothing else, otherwise you get some weird outcomes! So don't use "HDT Breast and Butt Physics" with it (HBBP is a bit old anyway).


I use this one: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/59416/? which I find pretty good and up to date. It comes as a complete package: XML files, HDT the lot. Makes life a lot easier because you can build an entire body with your preferred variations, and the supplied HDTPhyscisExtensionsDefault.XML will work perfectly with it.


I use the CLAMS body with this which is pretty awesome. (Ahem. Cough...)


Oh and yes, hold CTRL in Bodyslide when building, and send everything to Overwrite to be copied back to the relevant Bodyslide Output folder.


Hope this helps.

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