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Installing SKSE Question


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I have played Skyrim since it first came out. But, only a year ago did I "adventure" into Nexus Mods. I know I should have SKSE, but I am afraid I will foul things up if I install it.

Hey, I am 72, not as "geeky" as I used to be with computers.
My question is: If I DL SKSE via Steam, does Steam do all the "work" of dling and installing without my getting my hands "wet" and messing things up?

Thanks for any replies.

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<My question is: If I DL SKSE via Steam, does Steam do all the "work" of dling and installing without my getting my hands "wet" and messing things up?> yes, it's even better to use it via Steam to start the game.

Installing skse via steam and running it with a right-click on systray steam icon / skyrim script extender (skse).

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SKSE is not a mod and does not install like a mod. If you don't like the Steam installer, It is extremely easy to install manually - if you read the instructions.


The best place to get it is from the actual author's site where the latest version is always uploaded first. http://skse.silverlock.org/


Once installed you MUST start the game with SKSE or it will not work. Which launcher you use doesn't matter though. The SKSE launcher, the steam SKSE launcher, the SKSE launcher built into NMM or the SKSE launcher built into MO all work just fine.


It does exactly nothing if you are running SKSE and don't have a mod that requires it (yes, it is still there, but with nothing to work with it does nothing)

If you have a mod that requires SKSE and don't have SKSE installed, it will either not run that mod and show a message, OR crash immediately.

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<The SKSE launcher, the steam SKSE launcher, the SKSE launcher built into NMM or the SKSE launcher built into MO all work just fine.> not always : Topic 1 / topic2 / topic 3......Why ? That's the question.


Don't know if this problem still occurs or if many people have it, that's why I advised to use the Steam shortcut, (the easy way but hey, that's what the question was about in the first post).

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