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If you can Draw it, I can Model it.


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i have some ideas like the sword "empty mirage" from ".hack GU" and i can draw you some weapons if you like,i would have done some weapon mods my self but my computer expertise is limited to double clicking T.T,oh and i just thought of this while i was writing,why not make a whole "Azure Balmung "outfit


Azure Balmung and Empty Mirage

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I would kill for some more daggers for my assassin.








Also, weapons similar to the Dawnbreaker sword would be cool, with that particular glow effect on it.


I second the Kris (curvy bladed. One with serpent look) and the talon dagger underneath it.



I like the idea of the putting some daggers with that style in the game.


For instance:




The Black Legion.




I STILL think this would make a good reference point for modders who want to make a bundle of stuff and should be pinned for that purpose. X-D

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Hey everyone, I know we dont have the Creation Kit yet, but that doesn't mean we can't get started on making the models. That's where I come in. If you can post a image of a concept or write a vivid description I will do what I can to model the ones people seem to like the most! So have at it! Keep in mind, I would prefer to model weapons so weapons are going to get more attention from me :D



I've got weapon drawings coming out of my ears. If I can get to a scanner, I'll see what I can do about sending you some of them.

I saw the title and did a back flip, because I have tons of the things that I think could be used.

If you have any specific suggestions then let me know.

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Yeah, i'm sure the guy that posted once in this thread (as opener) and didn't create a single model is eager for your weapon scans :D


He used to model, but then he took......................................................................some classes at the community college and forgot all about us! What did you think I was gonna say?!

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If modeling weps is your thing.. you should make a pack of bows.. everyone has already gotten on the swords/axe mods.. (Jasus + third era) and noone seems to be making bows of any sort of quality. i know i for one would love to get a bunch of new bows for the game (prefer more realistic hunting style with some metal and stuff on wood than overboard gemmed elven crap)
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I'd have some nice blades in mind that I've seen in lotro:





Oh and I absolutely want one of those beautiful archaic (flintstone-)clubs:


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