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If you can Draw it, I can Model it.


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Hi, I've been looking for someone like yourself! I am planning a near-conversion mod for Skyrim in which I will need weaponry found in Stargate SG-1. These weapons will be functional staff weapons in the mod, and require "moving parts" which indicate that the weapon is "readied" or "not readied", when I get home I will edit and upload photos to this post, but for now I will post links-


Sodan staff weapon - http://images.wikia.com/stargate/images/9/9c/SodanStaffWeapon.png


Ja'ffa staff weapon - (this is the same as the sodan weapon, but adds the extension to the end) http://images.wikia.com/stargate/images/e/e2/Staffweapon.jpg


"zat" gun- Active http://stargate.wikia.com/wiki/File:ZatGun-Open-transparent.png


"zat" gun- inactive http://stargate.wikia.com/wiki/File:ZatGun-Closed-transparent.png


Any help with these models would be greatly appreciated

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I don't know if you could do this, but it would be so sick if you could remake Ruin (the horse from Darksiders). Some of the horses just seem a little boring in this game, so I wanted to be able to have an epic one.



And no these are not my drawings.

Here's an extra one with color.


That was exactly what i was going to say skyrim needs more real vikings but i would also add saxon, angle and briton armor and weapons and maby even some pictish stuff

but viking mail would be coooool
















Edited by odya
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Hello modders just want to throw out a request. I will make some adventures whenever the tools come out but till then can someone please make clothes/armor/hair in the fashion of Frank Frazetta's Characters of Conan, Death Dealer, Fire and Ice, Jaguar King, and Orrin Bearclaws helm, Kurgans helmet and armor from Highlander, a nightinggale armor that is only a red cape, or cape with no armor and maybe a shout to summon polar bears and Sabre Cats would be cool. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/b/b0/Kurgan1.jpg/220px-Kurgan1.jpghttp://collider.com/wp-content/uploads/fire-and-ice-concept-art-2.jpghttp://collider.com/wp-content/uploads/fire-and-ice-concept-art-slice.jpghttp://blogs.orlandosentinel.com/entertainment_movies_blog/files/2011/08/conan-1.jpgrathomons armor http://www.joblo.com/images_arrownews/conanadadad4.jpghttp://2.bp.blogspot.com/-l53w7fjGF7Y/TcwsMlulGQI/AAAAAAAAJco/Q3DtWzPkoh8/s1600/0.jpg http://dvdmedia.ign.com/dvd/image/article/681/681859/fire-and-ice-2-disc-limited-edition-20060118013801976-000.jpgif you guys and gals can make this you will be mod GODS and I will appreciate it by learning the tools and making storylines to follow. Have a safe and great New Year Sincerley THE ROLL
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I was looking for a full set for a few friends of mine, black, metallic armor with crimson edges in steel-plate style, with wicked scythe-like spikes on the left shoulder and a black cloth hanging down the other. The helm should be enclosed, with the face looking somewhat like a mechanical skull, glowmapped red eyes and scythelike forward curved horns. The pants should be plated black with crimson edges, with an upward facing serrated spike on each knee. Id like a robe version in the same colors with no spikes, a hood, with a mask in the same style as the helm, a dagger with many back and forward spikes and serrations, a sword in the same style, and a warhammer with a curved spike on the edge
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if ur lookin for authentic models of medieval Japanese armors...best u take a look at the armor models from the game 'total war: shogun 2"...im sure u will be more than satisfied.

not only that...whether for heavy, light and mage armor classifications...u will find the variations available quite accurately applicable

take the naginata monk warrior armor from the said game for example...cud very easily be adopted to be the light version of the blades armor



the guy to the left (oh the scythe looks to be a pretty promising double handed weapon as well..doesn't it?)


u cud also add an alternative lighter light armor from the shinobi variants...though i believe reduction in armor sud be distinguishable during gameplay and sud be made up for with the inclusion of stats like sneak, pickpocket etc. lol...it cud be made lore friendly by sayin...may be the blades and the brotherhood once worked togethr inside the empire against the dominion and the dark mother bestowed her blessings upon a chosen few within the blades!!

Edited by pucher
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