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Wyrmstooth "Legalities"


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I would like to formally inquire to the powers that be here on the Nexus if jonx0r gave any final wishes regarding Wyrmstooth before he up and vanished. With him gone is the mod technically abandoned, or did he leave instructions with admins that his files shall never grace the site again? Wyrmstooth is a staple of the Skyrim community here, and I have seen countless people ask after it, only to be redirected to potentially unsafe sites for a copy. It is a shame that such a long-running, storied and well-polished mod literally has vanished into nothing, and it frankly deserves to be played by more than those of us who've had a copy saved to our hard drives, or those of us who download a potentially unsafe pirated copy of this mod. If possible, please find a way to host Wyrmstooth on the Nexus, or allow a respected member of the community here the privilege of uploading it.


Lastly, I am not trying to infringe upon the rights on jonx0r or any other mod author, such as they are in the manner of mod rights here on the Nexus and other modding communities. I am not asking for rules to be broken, or even really bent. All I am asking is if the ability is there for others to safely enjoy this wonderfully crafted experience.

Edited by arecaidianfox
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He made a statement saying that sharing it privately was fine (one to one, via PM's or email). So if someone asks you to send them a copy that's alright, but that public hosting was not permitted.


So no uploading to here or other mod sites and no public posting of download links from file share sites/hosts. So don't go linking to a stored google drive version or something (I've already had to remove such links previously).

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There is always the possibility of someone getting his permission to upload the mod. Sure, he probably would be incredibly hard to contact as he practically deleted everything related to his online alias, but not impossible. Maybe an agreement would have to be made, who knows. He seems like a reasonable guy and, if people are still somehow contacting him about it, it might be a relief for him for it to be uploaded to the Nexus and have people stop pestering him about it.

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  • 1 month later...

just because the dude made the mod doesnt mean a mother f*#@ing thing.. it aint like he got it patented or anything or copyrighted. I could copyright the whole thing right now and then have it considered to be mine Legally then who the f*#@ cares what the dude said upon sharing it publicly because I would be the Legal owner of it.

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just because the dude made the mod doesnt mean a mother f***ing thing.. it aint like he got it patented or anything or copyrighted. I could copyright the whole thing right now and then have it considered to be mine Legally then who the f*** cares what the dude said upon sharing it publicly because I would be the Legal owner of it.

he got copyright on the mod the moment he uploaded it to the nexus.....

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Pr0fyr3, luckily for the rest of the world you have zero idea about how the whole thing (life maybe or just law?) actually works...


Something is copyrighted the moment it comes into existance in a tangible medium (outside of your mind). In other words, you don't have to get stuff copyrighted, but instead stuff is copyrighted when you make it. You only have to register it if you plan on suing people in a COURT for having broken that copyright. And who the hell is going to court for a mod? you can send dmca notices without having registered it, you can defend it's yours without having registered it, etc, etc, etc.

And you can register AFTER the infringement, there are some drawbacks and stuff though.


One could argue if copyright started the moment he uploaded it or the moment he hit the save button on ck but doesn't really matter for this.


Then, regarding "who the f*** cares what the dude said upon sharing it publicly", the answer is people with a tiny bit of respect, which you of course lack, just like knowledge.

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Pr0fyr3, luckily for the rest of the world you have zero idea about how the whole thing (life maybe or just law?) actually works...


Something is copyrighted the moment it comes into existance in a tangible medium (outside of your mind). In other words, you don't have to get stuff copyrighted, but instead stuff is copyrighted when you make it. You only have to register it if you plan on suing people in a COURT for having broken that copyright. And who the hell is going to court for a mod? you can send dmca notices without having registered it, you can defend it's yours without having registered it, etc, etc, etc.

And you can register AFTER the infringement, there are some drawbacks and stuff though.


One could argue if copyright started the moment he uploaded it or the moment he hit the save button on ck but doesn't really matter for this.


Then, regarding "who the f*** cares what the dude said upon sharing it publicly", the answer is people with a tiny bit of respect, which you of course lack, just like knowledge.

After taking some time to read a little more about copyrighting I see you are correct. But as far as proving authenticity it would be very difficult for the creator as we only know him as his nexus username and not his actual name which is sorta what he would need to prove which would be quite difficult for him considering he took his work off the internet except for the people like me who still have the file.. Though i don't have much respect for a selfish person to take something that wasnt hurting him to leave up and running under whatever circumstance.

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