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Modding FAQ: How to...?


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nonCK modding can be done using FO3's GECK v1.5 (as a welcome alternative to editing the ESP/ESMs data directly).

Guide to PreCKModdery using GECK (mainly)

I'll be updating it soon, to add all the GOOD stuff in; like furniture, sounds, music, activators, etc... all of which I/we can easily do in GECK. [though you'll probably need 1 or 2 of the other tools (TESvSnip, FOMM, FO3Edit, etc) for certain things or to expedite certain processes]

This mod is PROOF.

I'm new to the forums and don't know how to attach this to the top list of spoilers or whatever... so if someone wants to do that, or tell me how...

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Rather than being pinned, I would suggest adding the tutorials to the Nexus Wiki and tagging them with the Skyrim category tag to make them all nice-n-easy to find. :thumbsup:


Here is an example from the Oblivion wiki category.


Don't know how to create a wiki page? We've got you covered, here's how.


If you are still not sure about how to make wiki pages, do what I do, look at the source (by going into edit mode) and see how somebody else did one similar to what you are wanting to do. There are a LOT of tutorials to choose from.




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  • 4 weeks later...

I don't know if anyone will respond me cuz i see the last post was way back on 14 Dec but I'll try my luck

I was wondering how can I make a journal for my character to be able to write in it... I know Oblivion had something like that and if it exists for Skyrim as well would you be kind enough to send me link? :)

Edited by edy20008
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