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Skyrim Music


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Yes, that is right! I love the music in Skyrim, just like I love the Morrowind music and Oblivion music. They fit together so well. BUT, I cannot find the music file under Skyrim. I want to add the music form the other games and some other music to Skyrim, but I cannot find a file. Unless I have to make one, I wanted to ask before I went on ahead.
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On a general topic about music. Please, if you do make a mod with music, please (again) be sure you have the copyright holder's permission to upload those mods with their music to The Nexus. Most music is copyrighted, and just because you found it on a free to download site that doesn't relieve you of the responsibility of not checking the copyright.Those free to use music site lie a lot about whether or not the music is really free to use. Bethsoft does not allow using the music from one game in a released mod for a different game - however, as long as you don't publish (make it available for others to download) you can do whatever you want with it.


And contrary to what some will tell you, making a change to the music, only using 15 seconds (or any other number) or changing the format does not remove the copyright restrictions.


The big music companies are extremely anal about using their property without paying them an exorbitant fee and signing an extremely restrictive contract saying that you will not distribute any more than they have agreed to. Personally I think they are missing the boat as mods would be good advertising for them - Unfortunately, they can't see that. Also, very little of that fee gets to the artist, (if any) but quite a bit seems to find it's way into the music company executives bonuses. :wallbash:

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They are packed in Skyrim - Sounds.esm in form of xwm.


I am not familiar with wxm. how do I convert these into a more common format / container?


if anyone else cares, conversion support is built into vlc (playback is weird) and the general ffmpeg libraries.

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