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Killable Children Still Don't Get Hurt By Dragons


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As an experiment, I spawned 25 Dorthes and 25 Frondos (or whatever his name is) in the first town. I also spawned 6 dragons, 2 ice types, 2 fire types, and 2 Alduins. They all attacked the town. The adult fighters can get burned and hurt, but the kids didn't get hurt at all. It's like the dragon attacks were just passing through them. As another experiment, I spawned a bunch of skeletons that used ice magic. They were able to hurt the kids.


It seems that there's something preventing dragon attacks from hurting the kids even if everything else can already kill them, hopefully someone will be able to fix this because my heroic character wants to save kids from getting killed by dragons, but the way it is now it's a pointless effort. :thumbsup:

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